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September 12, 2024

Blandford: Garrison youth club sessions

Information provided by Bovington HIVE

Grantham: Folkingham Remembers WWII Operation Market Garden

An Aveland Odyssey – Folkingham Remembers Operation Market Garden. Events throughout the village (see i -iv)
i- Folkingham St Andrews Church and Market Place – Hosting a range of displays of historical images and local stories, with static vintage exhibits. However watch out for our swing dancers who will be up in the Market Square, waiting to take you on as their partners!
Local market vendors will be on hand to tempt you with their hand-crafted products, as a memento of your visit. The church plans to hold a service on Sunday morning and also play host to musical interludes from the period.
ii- Old School and Village Green –As you promenade along the west side of the main village road, we have a range of educational activities for young and old to engage with, featuring the outreach programmes from several local WWII sites. In the Old School, come and try out the crafts that made sure your clothing coupons stretched that little bit further and who knows, you may find a new hobby or interest?
iii- Village Hall and Millennium Green – Our stage area on the Millenium Green plays host to Rhubarb Theatre, aimed at our younger visitors, with vim, vigour and not a little licence about history! In addition, enactors who recall the home front, such as Land Army and WVS will be on hand to share stories from the times. Swing boats will bring back a ride from yesteryear. Nearby our ethical ice cream and coffee vans are on hand for those needing light refreshment, whilst across in the Village Hall, we will have a programme of free entry lectures from a range of respected speakers.
iv- Open Air Display Areas – To the western edge of the village, we will have displays that evoke the airfield activity, showing the sights and sounds of the day the planes set off. Our GI enactors will set up camp, with a mess tent, medical tent, etc, along with a wide range of period military vehicles. Low Farm Park will be the site of our sumptuous food court, including the Stables Café and 8 Sails Beer Tent. Entertainers will whisk you back in time as you eat, with the swing band sounds of the era.

For further info check

Address: Folkingham, NG34 0SE
Time: Sat 14th – Sun 15th 10.30 – 17.00

Information provided by Grantham HIVE

Grantham: Arnhem 80

An evening of commemoration and reflection with music and speakers to mark the 80th anniversary of Operation Market Garden The Band of the Welsh Guards - Friday 25th October 7.30pm, St Wulfram's Church. All proceeds to the Army Benevolent Fund. Tickets Tel: 01476 406158.

Information provided by Grantham HIVE


Grantham: Belvoir Castle Military discount to Serving Personnel & families


Military discount is now available, used online for pre purchase tickets get 20% off and 10% off if used on entrance at the gate on the day. Email Grantham HIVE for details: 

Information provided by Grantham HIVE

Grantham: A polite Dog Rules on Camp reminder

When pets are outside the workplace they must be kept on a lead at ALL TIMES, (apart from the areas on the map, Annex D to Grantham Station Orders refer). 

Failure to follow this policy will result in owners being directed to remove the pet from the working environment. Dog walking area guidance

Information provided by Grantham HIVE

Grantham: Children without vaccines survey

Children without vaccines survey

We want to speak to people in Lincolnshire who have chosen for their child age 0-5 to not receive one or more vaccinations.
There are many reasons why people decline vaccines we want to hear them for a project in association with Lincolnshire County Council, Lincolnshire NHSICB and HWLincs.
We’d be grateful if you could direct people to this short survey, which also gives the opportunity for them to have a more in-depth and unjudgmental conversation with an independent charity.

People can visit or call 01205 820892.

Information provided by Grantham HIVE

Bovington: Bovitots parent & child group sessions

Indoor play and fenced outdoor area.
Toilets and baby changing facilities.
Free car parking.
Everyone welcome.

Information provided by Bovington HIVE

West Midlands: Wolverhampton Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Surveys for the Armed Forces Community

As part of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) City of Wolverhampton have launched surveys to capture the experiences and understand the needs of the Armed Forces Community in Wolverhampton. Your input is invaluable in helping us support you better. Please select the appropriate survey below:

Personnel/Veterans: For individuals currently serving or who have served in the armed forces, including both full-time personnel, reservists, and veterans.

Family Members: For families of serving or former armed forces members, including spouses and partners, widows and widowers, wider family members, and adult (18 years or older) children.

Service Children: For children (including adopted children) of serving or former armed forces families who are younger than 18 years.

The surveys are now open until Monday 19 September 2024.

Information provided by Central HIVE Hub

Stafford: Good vibes white eagle club Riverway Stafford Friday October 4th 7.30pm


Information provided by Stafford HIVE

Grantham: Housing Surgery

Next Housing Surgery at the HIVE Community Centre, Building 162, Thursday 19th September, 1030 - 1230. All welcome!

Information provided by Grantham HIVE