Generic and local information for the UK Military community including Serving Personnel, Families, Veterans, and MOD Civilians.
This is best viewed through a personal device because the MODnet firewall may prevent access to some links.
- TOP: Blog posts by area; subject-specific information sheets; links to HIVE's Social Media, and a map of contact details for our worldwide information centres and their Location Guides.
- LEFT COLUMN: Use the search engine; sign up to receive our weekly email updates, or find information by subject.
- RIGHT COLUMN: Contact HIVE with your specific query.
- CENTRAL SECTION: All the latest posts in date order:
March 7, 2025
Swindon: 'City of Sanctuary' charity fighting isolation
March 5, 2025
Weeton, Preston, Chester: Recruit For Spouses Foreign & Commonwealth Programme to support NUKN in the North West
- Foreign & Commonwealth Programme
We are thrilled to announce the launch of the RFS Foreign and Commonwealth Programme! After a year of hard work and dedication from our incredible team, this innovative programme is designed to break down financial barriers for Foreign and Commonwealth spouses/partners, helping them transfer qualifications to UK equivalents. This will enable easier access to employment, study, or to gain professional registration.
Our Career Academy will cover the costs of obtaining a Statement of Comparability and facilitate the application process, working with trusted service providers to ensure qualifications meet UK standards.
- Partner of a Foreign or Commonwealth national serving in HM Forces (Royal Navy, British Army, or Royal Air Force)
- Over 18 years of age
- Partners include spouses, civil partners, fiancés(e), or individuals living with serving personnel in a relationship akin to marriage/civil partnership for at least two years.
Application Requirements:
- Partner’s service number
- Date of entry to the UK
- Visa status (if applicable)
To apply for this support and service, sign up to our portal and click 'programmes' on the upper left-hand side here -
- Coaching & Mentoring
January 16, 2025
December 12, 2024
SSAFA Gurkha Services
Click here for further information
November 18, 2024
Army Families Federation (AFF) immigration survey
AFF would like to know more about the unique challenges non-UK Service personnel, veterans and their families face when it comes to immigration. Who did you contact for information and advice and why? Did you get everything you needed straight away, or did you find it difficult?
Following a project funded by the Royal British Legion and working in partnership with the Naval Families Federation (NFF) and the RAF Families Federation (RAFFF), AFF have designed a survey to find out who people turn to when they need immigration information or advice.If you are not British by birth and you or a family member are serving or have previously served in the UK Armed Forces, we would love to hear from you! British Service personnel with non-UK family members can also fill in the survey. It should take less than five minutes to complete.
Please go to
October 17, 2024
Reminder - set up your eVisa Account
For more information on getting an eVisa, visit:
October 16, 2024
Autumn updates from Recruit For Spouses
October 10, 2024
Fylde Memorial Arboretum - Bispham - First UK Fiji Memorial Bench unveiled
A beautiful bench, decorated with the Fiji National Coat of Arms and motto, was dedicated at a special ceremony attended by civic dignataries, serving soldiers, families and members of the public.
The man behind the memorial, Fleetwood town councillor and veterans champion, Fijian Jimi Kuruvakadua, said: "We have have one thing in common which is always to remember and reflect on the lives of our brothers and sisters, our communites, our individual groups and associations we are involved in.
"I am grateful to you for your support, donations and to the veterans who prepared for today.
This bench is the first memorial in the UK dedicated to the Fijian Community and we appreciate it being situated here.
Comrades are always remembered in our hearts.
Today we remember them, honour them and keep them always in our hearts."
Manager of the arboretum, Paul Binns, welcomed guests and said how proud they were to have this special memorial situated in the arboretum and said that all connected with the Fijian community would be welcome there.
Other speeches welcoming the memorial and its importance were made by Vice-Lord Lieutenant of Lancashire, Brigadier (Rtd) Peter Rafferty; Blackpool Mayor Peter Hunter and Ilimo Torau, founder of the Commonwealth Veterans and Families Support Group.
A posy of poppies was laid by Councillor Kuruvakadua's daughter, Vasanai.
Two poems, written specially, were read by poet Anne Margaret Ward.
The dedication service, with choir of Fijian soldiers, was led by Methodist Minister the Rev Jimione Kaci, who is chaplain to Fijians serving in the British Army.
September 25, 2024
Non-UK Nationals: Settlement fees waived for bereaved partners facing destitution
A news article was published recently on, highlighting that people dealing with the death of their partner and facing financial hardship will soon be able to apply to have the application fee for settlement waived. The implementation date in the article is 9 Oct 24.
This update applies equally to the Armed Forces community including veterans: "Bereaved partners of members of HM Armed Forces, Gurkhas or Hong Kong military unit veterans (discharged before 1 July 1997) may also benefit from this fee waiver."
To read the article in full, please go to: Settlement fees waived for bereaved partners facing destitution - GOV.UK (
Army HIVE's Non-UK National team can be contacted for further information via this email address:
September 19, 2024
AGAI 50 and the 'Guide for Non-UK Nationals and Unit Support' - updated and re-published
Please note that these links are only accessible via MODnet/Defence Gateway. Please contact HIVE if assistance is required.
September 16, 2024
Visa and Immigration changes for non-UK nationals
Visa and Immigration changes for non-UK nationals
If you or your family hold a Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) which expires on 31 December 2024, you will need to replace it by registering for a UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) account.
UKVI will be contacting customers by email to advise them to register for a UKVI account, but you do not need to wait to be contacted to take action. If you or family members have changed your email address since your last application for leave, or used someone else’s email address, you may not receive this email, but you can still register for an account.
What is a Biometric Residence Permit (BRP)?
A BRP is proof of an individual’s right to stay, work or study in the UK, it can also be used to confirm an individual’s identity and right to any public services or benefits they may be entitled to whilst in the UK. Currently a Biometric Residence Permit is required by anyone who comes to the UK for:
- longer than 6 months,
- extends their visa beyond 6 months,
- applies to Settle in the UK,
- transfers their visa to a new passport,
- or applies for certain Home Office travel documents.
August 27, 2024
July 3, 2024
HQ Brigade of Gurkhas - Cradle to Grave guide
- Inform potential recruits (PR) joining the Brigade of Gurkhas.
- Guide to officers in the Brigade to support their leadership, command, and management.
- Provide awareness for personnel involved in supporting roles, welfare, management of facilities and on temporary attachment.
- Provide awareness for Regional Point of Command (RPoC) and Formation HQs with Gurkhas under command.
- Provide awareness for local authorities, external supporting agencies, schools, and local councils.
To access the guide, please go to this link: Gurkha Life Skills - Cradle to Grave - Gurkha Brigade Association (
March 19, 2024
Non-UK Nationals - lower minimum income requirement agreed for the Armed Forces
- On 4 December 2023, the Government announced that the MIR would be increased to align with the new minimum general salary threshold for skilled workers, which is currently £38,700, with an initial increase to £29,000 in Spring 2024. This will no longer include an additional income requirement where a child is included in the application.
- The Ministry of Defence has worked with the Home Office on options to mitigate the potential impact on recruitment and retention the increase may have, and it has been agreed that the MIR will be aligned with the salary threshold for Other Ranks on completion of training, which is currently £23,496. Officers earn £31,304 until completion of Initial Officer Training when their pay increases to £37,425. The MIR for HM Armed Forces will be reviewed in line with the annual pay award.
- The Government introduced the MIR in July 2012 for partners and children of British and settled persons, and in December 2013 for a partner and child(ren) of HM Armed Forces, including the Brigade of Gurkhas, under Appendix HM Armed Forces to the Immigration Rules.
- The full Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules can be found at: HC 590 – Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules (
- A Q&A document has been prepared and can be accessed at this link
February 22, 2024
Army HIVE Non-UK National Support: New Email Address for Enquiries
Army HIVE now has an email address specifically for Non-UK National enquiries. This is available to Service personnel, their families, and line managers/CoC requiring support:
January 16, 2024
West Midlands - City of Wolverhampton Council - Commonwealth veterans maybe eligible for help under scheme

For more information on eligibility and application procedures click HERE
Information provided by: Central HIVE Hub
December 22, 2023
Minimum Income Requirement - incremental approach to new threshold amount
Defence continues to liaise with the Home Office in order to understand how this will impact Service Personnel (Officers and Soldiers) and their families, and further information will be provided once more details are known.
June 28, 2023
Update for Tax Free Childcare for Non-UK National Personnel and Families
For more information, visit the Defence Childcare portal (on MODnet), Discover My Benefits or dial in to one of the Wrap Around Childcare Webinars.
To view/listen to the update, please CLICK HERE