Non-UK Nationals - lower minimum income requirement agreed for the Armed Forces

- On 4 December 2023, the Government announced that the MIR would be increased to align with the new minimum general salary threshold for skilled workers, which is currently £38,700, with an initial increase to £29,000 in Spring 2024. This will no longer include an additional income requirement where a child is included in the application.
- The Ministry of Defence has worked with the Home Office on options to mitigate the potential impact on recruitment and retention the increase may have, and it has been agreed that the MIR will be aligned with the salary threshold for Other Ranks on completion of training, which is currently £23,496. Officers earn £31,304 until completion of Initial Officer Training when their pay increases to £37,425. The MIR for HM Armed Forces will be reviewed in line with the annual pay award.
- The Government introduced the MIR in July 2012 for partners and children of British and settled persons, and in December 2013 for a partner and child(ren) of HM Armed Forces, including the Brigade of Gurkhas, under Appendix HM Armed Forces to the Immigration Rules.
- A Q&A document has been prepared and can be accessed at this link