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September 9, 2024

Brecon: 24/25 Enrolment to the Breconshire Award Scheme Group

Why should you complete your Duke of Edinburgh's Award?
  • Meet new people and make new friends
  • Build your confidence around others and new situations
  • Explore and experience new things that you might not have tried before
  • Help and engage with your local community
At Breconshire Award Scheme Group, we can help you or your child achieve the above and more during their Bronze, Silver or Gold award with us. As a volunteer-based group, we believe everyone should have the chance to go for any level of award. Therefore we offer our guidance, expedition training and equipment at a low cost, with further help and support offered for those needing assistance with costs.
Our 2024/2025 enrolment period is open NOW, please get in touch with us via DM, WhatsApp or email ( to enrol TODAY and let your friends know so they can come along too!

Information provided by Wales HIVE Hub.