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October 7, 2024

Vale of Glamorgan: Vale on the Move - Vale Sport & Play for children in years 7 - 9


Western Vale Opportunity

Do you have secondary school aged children in Years 7-9? Would they like the opportunity to come along and try different sports in the community?

We hope to offer a block of informal come along and try it activity sessions each week being a different sport.

Register your interest today!


*Cyfle Gorllewin y Fro* Oes gennych chi blant oed ysgol uwchradd ym Mlynyddoedd 7-9? A fyddent yn hoffi'r cyfle i ddod draw i roi cynnig ar wahanol chwaraeon yn y gymuned? Rydym yn gobeithio cynnig bloc o sesiynau gweithgaredd anffurfiol dewch draw i roi cynnig arni bob wythnos fel camp wahanol. Cofrestrwch eich diddordeb heddiw!

Information provided by Wales HIVE Hub.