Defence continues to liaise with the Home Office in order to understand how this will impact Service Personnel (Officers and Soldiers) and their families, and further information will be provided once more details are known.
Generic and local information for the UK Military community including Serving Personnel, Families, Veterans, and MOD Civilians.
This is best viewed through a personal device because the MODnet firewall may prevent access to some links.
- TOP: Blog posts by area; subject-specific information sheets; links to HIVE's Social Media, and a map of contact details for our worldwide information centres and their Location Guides.
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- CENTRAL SECTION: All the latest posts in date order:
December 22, 2023
Minimum Income Requirement - incremental approach to new threshold amount
Defence continues to liaise with the Home Office in order to understand how this will impact Service Personnel (Officers and Soldiers) and their families, and further information will be provided once more details are known.
December 21, 2023
December 20, 2023
December 18, 2023
December 15, 2023
December 14, 2023
New Accommodation Offer - updated Sway now available
Updated communications have now been released on the New Accommodation Offer. To view the new information please go to this SWAY
Hereford: Young Cart Shed courses for 14 - 18 and 18 - 25 year olds
If you are experiencing any of these challenges, we have places available on our Young Cart Shed programmes. 'Into the Woods' is for 14 to 18 year olds and takes place on a Tuesday from 10am to 2pm, and ‘Through the Woods’ is for 18 to 25 year olds and takes place on a Wednesday from 10am to 3pm. You can come for either a six-week or twelve-week course.
Young Cart Shed sessions are currently fully funded (which means you don't need to pay anything), subject to availability. For more information and to apply please click here.
Information provided by Wales HIVE Hub.
The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust - Armed Forces Families Fund supports 13 projects in latest round of awards
The Armed Forces Covenant Trust (the Trust) is delighted to announce new awards made under the Armed Forces Families Fund (AF3) across two grant programmes supporting Forces families across the UK.
The Early Years programme has awarded over £354,000 to 10 projects which will enhance early childhood education and childcare settings of young children from Armed Forces families.
The Research Grants programme has awarded over £169,000 to three projects that will develop a stronger understanding of complex educational or welfare issues affecting Armed Forces families – and propose solutions.
December 13, 2023
Wiltshire: Domestic abuse support in Wiltshire
Further information about the signs of domestic abuse, as well as details of supportive organisations, can be found on the Wiltshire Council website here.
Information provided by Colerne & Lyneham HIVE
Dundee: Olympia, Dundee's biggest leisure and swimming centre, will re-open to the public from 18 December 2023.
Find out more at
Information provided by Leuchars HIVE
December 12, 2023
Scotland: Police Scotland - After Dark, home security advice
Housebreaking can be a traumatic experience.
Simple crime prevention measures can greatly reduce the chances of your home being targeted.
Dorset: Reporting missed bin collections
Please do not report your collection as missed until after 4pm on your collection day. The crew do not follow the same collection order each week and may still be out collecting.
December 11, 2023
Hereford: Free Zipper Service to Hereford Library
Save your legs & parking charges & enjoy a warm welcome, fantastic books, public PCs & more
For library opening hours & more click here.
Information provided by Wales HIVE Hub.
December 7, 2023
Defence Infrastructure Organisation’s (DIO) compensation schemes
Pinnacle administer the Defence Infrastructure Organisation’s (DIO) compensation schemes. You may be entitled to compensation under one of DIO’s compensation schemes if you have experienced;
- Missed appointments
- Incorrect Tradesperson
- Failed move in
- Total loss of heating/cooking facilities
- Hotel subsistence
More information is available HERE
Domestic abuse - MOD guidance on where to find help
Alternatively click here for a PDF of the document
Stafford: Staffordshire smart alert - free call blocker devices are available for vulnerable residents in Staffordshire
Do you, or someone you know, suffer from unwanted nuisance and scam calls to your home phone?
Staffordshire County Council Trading Standards provide free call blocker devices for vulnerable residents. These devices can stop up to 95% of unwanted calls.
To apply & find out more go to
If you have questions about the scheme, or you wish to pass this information to someone who doesn't have access to the internet, you can call Staffordshire Trading Standards on 01785 277855.
Information provided by Stafford HIVE
December 6, 2023
Lichfield: Midweek Children's Football - DMS Whittington Astroturf

Why not come and join us? First session is FREE!
17.15-18:15 at DMS Whittington, WS14 9PY
Wildcats - For girls aged 4-14
Soccer Centre - For boys and girls aged 4-11
Both only £3!
No need to book just turn up and join in with the football fun! Want to know more? You can do so by getting in touch or visit
Information sourced by: Central HIVE Hub
December 4, 2023
Defence People Communications - get financial help if you have children with child benefit
Did you know that parents can claim child benefit to help with the cost of raising children? Find out if you’re eligible and how to make a claim.
With the rising cost of living, the Government are offering parents and carers up to £1,248 a year to help with the cost of raising their first child – and up to £826.80 for any other children. This means that by the time a child is 16 years old, their child benefit claim could be worth almost £20,000.
Defence People Communications - what support is there for Service families facing domestic abuse?
Find out about the domestic abuse support available for Service families
As part of the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence campaign, Defence is encouraging anyone affected by domestic abuse to ask for help and to be aware of the different ways to get support.Armed Forces families play a crucial role in Defence and should feel safe and supported. When it comes to domestic abuse, there are many support services available to them – both within Defence and at a local and national level.
To help more people get the help they need, it’s also important to understand what might be stopping them from seeking support.
There are multiple and very valid reasons as to why domestic abuse victims-survivors can be reluctant to ask for support, particularly in close knit Defence communities. Most victims-survivors live with their abuser, some aren’t aware that they are being abused, and others might fear the repercussions of seeking support. There are also many who don’t know about the support that exists.
West Midlands: Telford & Wrekin Healthy Telford - Walks
Healthy Telford have a great selection of free outdoor walks, events and more in our beautiful parks and green spaces for you enjoy in December, click on the links below for more info;
7 Dec Lawley Men’s walking group
9 Dec A Stroll Around Lilleshall
9 Dec Conservation work Homer Lake
9 Dec Nordic walking Lilleshall
13 Dec Lawley History Trail walk
19 December Christmas Glow Ride
21 Dec Lawley Men’s walking group
27 Dec Winter walk
30 Dec Telford Coronation Walk, celebration event
December 1, 2023
Togetherall - Mental Health support for the Armed Forces
Togetherall is FREE to anyone in the UK Military, Veterans & Family members aged 16+
To sign up, please click on the following link - Togetherall Armed Forces community access
Cottesmore: Total Triage - New contact Number for sick parade

To improve access to the sick parade/same day appointments the Med Centre will be running Total Triage from Monday 4 December 2023.
There will be a dedicated telephone number for Total Triage which will be covered from 0800-10.00hrs Monday to Friday.
Patients will also have the option to text in for sick parade/urgent appointments. They can text in at any time but the texts will only be read between 0800-1000hrs and the appropriate clinician will then call the patient back for triage.
The main telephone number remains the same and will be for routine enquiries.
Information provided by: Central HIVE Hub
November 30, 2023
Building Heroes - 2024 courses available for booking
Building Heroes are offering fully training in multi trades for Veterans, Service Leavers, Family members, Reservists and select places for those over 19 with a desire to access the industry.
- 08/01/24-09/02/24 spaces still available!
- 26/02/24-28/03/24
- 22/04/24-25/05/24
- 03/06/24-05/07/24
Scotland: Scottish Child Payment applications are now open for children aged under 16
If you already get Scottish Child Payment for your child under 6 then you do not need to reapply.
Find out more about Scottish Child Payment and other benefits you may be entitled to at
November 29, 2023
Wiltshire: New 'All Together' pages provide one stop shop of family help and advice in Wiltshire
Children, young people and families can have access to a wide range of information, advice and support as a new online platform goes live this week.
All Together is a new set of pages which provide a one stop shop of information from a range of key partners so that children, young people and families, as well as those working with them, can quickly and easily access information about things to do, places to go and who to talk to if they need support.
The pages are a precursor to the Family Hubs model which will be rolled out across Wiltshire in April 2024 ensuring support and advice is available from 0 – 18 years and 0 – 25 for those with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities.
The pages will enable access to information on a range of topics including:
- Support for parents and carers including parenting tips and advice and financial support
- Information for families on events and activities in their local area
- Advice for young people on emotional wellbeing
- Support for those with Special Educational Needs and or Disabilities
November 28, 2023
Argyll and Bute: Welcoming our Armed Forces - Argyll and Bute Council Education Service
Civilian housing - an update on the MOD Referral Scheme service
The MOD Referral Scheme provided advice and guidance on accessing social housing and has now become part of the existing services provided by DTS and Veterans Welfare Service (VWS). This has been done to simplify and widen access and eligibility across serving personnel, service leavers, veterans and their families.
To refer someone for support or self-refer go to - Help for service leavers, service personnel and families from Defence Transition Services - GOV.UK (
What is DTS?
The Defence Transition Services (DTS) team is the MOD’s tri-service focal point to provide service personnel and their dependants with civilian housing information for those wishing to move to civilian accommodation at any time in their career, and for those leaving service who require extra support with the transition to civilian life.
DTS, together with colleagues in the Veterans Welfare Service (VWS) can provide advice and guidance to help individuals make informed choices on their civilian housing options as they transition out of the forces. For further information please visit: Information and guidance on civilian housing - GOV.UK (
November 27, 2023
Scotland: Drive to improve awareness of veterans’ health needs goes nationwide - Scottish Government
The General Practice Armed Forces and Veterans Recognition Scheme is now open to GP surgeries across Scotland following a successful pilot.
The scheme provides easy access training materials for GPs to help increase understanding of veterans’ needs and the range of healthcare support that can be provided. The specific issues faced by veterans and Armed Forces families will also set out in clinical case studies to help improve understanding among GPs.
November 24, 2023
ManKind Initiative ACORN Recovery Programme for male survivors of domestic abuse
ACORN is a 9 week online course that is delivered via Zoom for 90 minutes each week for male survivors of domestic abuse. The course is designed to help men recover from their experiences, understand the impact upon their children and work towards healthy and respectful relationships in the future.
Each course can take ten men and is free for them to attend because it is funded by The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust for men who are currently serving in the British Armed Forces or veterans.
If you think you might benefit from this course please self-refer using the forms below or contact ManKind for more information - click here to visit their website
November 22, 2023
DWP Conversational Platform
Conversational Platform is a new technology being introduced onto the Universal Credit telephony channel. From early December 2023 when customers call Universal Credit, their call may be routed through the new technology, whereby the DWP Virtual Agent will ask the customer why they are calling and will then tailor the response based on what the customer says.
November 21, 2023
November 20, 2023
The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust - Veterans’ Capital Housing Fund
The Major Capital Grants programme is the latest programme to launch under the Veterans’ Capital Housing Fund.
More information is available HERE.
Wales: Free Swimming in Wales for the Armed Forces
On Armed Forces Day, the Welsh Government has announced the continuation of the armed forces free swimming scheme.
The scheme enables serving members of the armed forces and veterans to swim for free at participating leisure centres and pools, using their defence privilege card.
The armed forces free swimming scheme (AFFS) was first introduced in 2016 and represents the continued commitment to provide the armed forces community with access to services which meet their specific needs and recognise the service they have given to their country. For more information please click here.
Information provided by St Athan HIVE
November 17, 2023
MOD bullying, harassment and discrimination helpline
Accommodation provided by MOD for ARAP Afghan families
Please click the letters below for further details:
November 16, 2023
Staffordshire: Armed Forces Community Network - Veteran Coffee & Support mornings - Every Wednesday at Stafford Leisure Centre