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August 20, 2024

Aldershot: Rushmoor repair cafe at The West End Centre

We will try to repair a whole host of things. Most household electrical items, clothing, woodwork, bicycles, toys, metalwork items, computers, small wooden items, even musical instruments will be considered. Aside from the short list below, which we are unable to repair, we will do our best to repair your broken items. We DON'T repair, mobile phones and tablets, microwave and some antiques.

The Rushmoor Repair will be running every third Saturday of the month at The West End Centre, 48 Queens Road, Aldershot GU11 3JD.
10.30am until 1.30pm 
LAST ENTRY at 1pm.

ONE ITEM booked at a time per customer.

The Rushmoor Repair Cafe is run by volunteers, free of charge - donations welcomed!

Information provided by South East HIVE Hub