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November 30, 2023

Building Heroes - 2024 courses available for booking


Building Heroes are offering fully training in multi trades for Veterans, Service Leavers, Family members, Reservists and select places for those over 19 with a desire to access the industry.

Learners will gain a C&G Level 1 in multi trades, C&G Level 1 Health & Safety and CSCS card.

We have academies in both Watford and Wembley . As well as the qualifications being gained learners will be able to gain onsite work experience, training alongside ex military, direct employment into associated supply chains to the employer, and access to fully funded level 2 courses upon completion through the training provider.

Upcoming dates @ Wembley/Watford Academy:
  • 08/01/24-09/02/24 spaces still available!
  • 26/02/24-28/03/24
  • 22/04/24-25/05/24
  • 03/06/24-05/07/24
Please apply online @

Please email Danielle (Academy Manager) with any enquiries or contact on 07436337415.

Scotland: Scottish Child Payment applications are now open for children aged under 16

Scottish Child Payment applications are now open for children aged under 16. 

You can apply for the payment of £100 every 4 weeks if you - get Universal Credit, tax credits or other qualifying benefits - have a child or children aged under 16.

If you already get Scottish Child Payment for your child under 6 then you do not need to reapply.

If you’ve older children you can add them to your existing Scottish Child Payment.

Find out more about Scottish Child Payment and other benefits you may be entitled to at 

Information provided by Leuchars HIVE

November 29, 2023

Wiltshire: New 'All Together' pages provide one stop shop of family help and advice in Wiltshire


Children, young people and families can have access to a wide range of information, advice and support as a new online platform goes live this week.

All Together is a new set of pages which provide a one stop shop of information from a range of key partners so that children, young people and families, as well as those working with them, can quickly and easily access information about things to do, places to go and who to talk to if they need support.

The pages are a precursor to the Family Hubs model which will be rolled out across Wiltshire in April 2024 ensuring support and advice is available from 0 – 18 years and 0 – 25 for those with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities.

The pages will enable access to information on a range of topics including:
  • Support for parents and carers including parenting tips and advice and financial support
  • Information for families on events and activities in their local area
  • Advice for young people on emotional wellbeing
  • Support for those with Special Educational Needs and or Disabilities
Information provided by Colerne & Lyneham HIVE's

Cottesmore: Rutland Hall military Discount on weddings


Information provided by Stafford HIVE

November 28, 2023

Argyll and Bute: Welcoming our Armed Forces - Argyll and Bute Council Education Service

A booklet has been released by the Argyll and Bute Council Education Service, with more than 40 pages of great information for families of Serving Personnel and Veterans in the Helensburgh and Lomond Areas.

To read the booklet click on the image above 👆

Information provided by Leuchars HIVE

Civilian housing - an update on the MOD Referral Scheme service


Last year, the services provided by the Joint Service Housing Advice Office (JSHAO) were transferred to the Defence Transition Service (DTS), part of Defence Business Services (DBS), to deliver. This followed a review as part of the MOD’s ‘Strategy for Our Veterans’ to bring efficiency to the co-ordination and delivery of housing services.

The MOD Referral Scheme provided advice and guidance on accessing social housing and has now become part of the existing services provided by DTS and Veterans Welfare Service (VWS). This has been done to simplify and widen access and eligibility across serving personnel, service leavers, veterans and their families.

To refer someone for support or self-refer go to - Help for service leavers, service personnel and families from Defence Transition Services - GOV.UK (

What is DTS?

The Defence Transition Services (DTS) team is the MOD’s tri-service focal point to provide service personnel and their dependants with civilian housing information for those wishing to move to civilian accommodation at any time in their career, and for those leaving service who require extra support with the transition to civilian life.

DTS, together with colleagues in the Veterans Welfare Service (VWS) can provide advice and guidance to help individuals make informed choices on their civilian housing options as they transition out of the forces. For further information please visit: Information and guidance on civilian housing - GOV.UK (

November 27, 2023

West Midlands: Wolverhampton Veterans encouraged to declare service to unlock benefits

More information HERE

Information provided by: Lichfield HIVE


Scotland: Drive to improve awareness of veterans’ health needs goes nationwide - Scottish Government

Veterans and armed forces families are set to benefit from more tailored healthcare under a new GP scheme focused on the specific health challenges they may face following military service.

The General Practice Armed Forces and Veterans Recognition Scheme is now open to GP surgeries across Scotland following a successful pilot.

The scheme provides easy access training materials for GPs to help increase understanding of veterans’ needs and the range of healthcare support that can be provided. The specific issues faced by veterans and Armed Forces families will also set out in clinical case studies to help improve understanding among GPs.

Information provided by Leuchars HIVE

November 24, 2023

ManKind Initiative ACORN Recovery Programme for male survivors of domestic abuse


ManKind are now accepting referrals for their next Armed Forces ACORN Recovery Programme course due to start early 2024.

ACORN is a 9 week online course that is delivered via Zoom for 90 minutes each week for male survivors of domestic abuse. The course is designed to help men recover from their experiences, understand the impact upon their children and work towards healthy and respectful relationships in the future.

Each course can take ten men and is free for them to attend because it is funded by The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust for men who are currently serving in the British Armed Forces or veterans.

If you think you might benefit from this course please self-refer using the forms below or contact ManKind for more information - click here to visit their website

November 22, 2023

Lyneham: Yoga & Mindfulness for kids at Lyneham Church Hall

Click on poser to enlarge

Please contact Sonia for more details 

Information provided by Lyneham HIVE

Moray: M Connect bus service

click on image to enlarge

Information provided by Leuchars HIVE

DWP Conversational Platform


Conversational Platform is a new technology being introduced onto the Universal Credit telephony channel. From early December 2023 when customers call Universal Credit, their call may be routed through the new technology, whereby the DWP Virtual Agent will ask the customer why they are calling and will then tailor the response based on what the customer says.

Please click the image above for further details.

November 20, 2023

The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust - Veterans’ Capital Housing Fund

The Major Capital Grants programme is the latest programme to launch under the Veterans’ Capital Housing Fund.

More information is available HERE.

Wales: Free Swimming in Wales for the Armed Forces

On Armed Forces Day, the Welsh Government has announced the continuation of the armed forces free swimming scheme.

The scheme enables serving members of the armed forces and veterans to swim for free at participating leisure centres and pools, using their defence privilege card.

The armed forces free swimming scheme (AFFS) was first introduced in 2016 and represents the continued commitment to provide the armed forces community with access to services which meet their specific needs and recognise the service they have given to their country. For more information please click here.

Information provided by St Athan HIVE

November 15, 2023

November 13, 2023

Grantham: AWS Volunteers Needed

Volunteers needed for the clubs at PWG Bks.

Information provided by Grantham HIVE


Leuchars: Ultrafast Boadband in your accommodation

click on image to enlarge

Information provided by Leuchars HIVE

Moray: Directory of Services for Children with Disabilities in Moray

To access the Directory of Services for Children with Disabilities, this document is updated regularly please click on the image above 👆

Information provided by Leuchars HIVE

Moray: Citizens Advice Bureau Empower Project, cost of living assistance

click on image to enlarge

Information provided by Leuchars HIVE

November 10, 2023

Leuchars: Station announcement for SFA residents

Leuchars Station Announcement

To All SFA Residents. If you reside in SFA, reporting processes for any tenancy and/or anti-social behaviour issues/concerns are:

Tenancy Issues. Pinnacle:

Anti-Social Behaviour. Police Scotland:

Information provided by Leuchars HIVE

Widening Accommodation Entitlement Limited Locations (WAE(LL)) now including NEW allowances

The Widening Accommodation Entitlement Limited Locations (WAE(LL)) SWAY now includes information on NEW Allowances.

If you are being posted to one of the limited locations click this link to find out more: Widening Accommodation Entitlement (Limited Locations) Including NEW Allowances (

Updated Tri-service accommodation regs (TSARs) JSP 464


The recently updated Tri-service accommodation regulations (JSP 464) are available on the website at the following link:

November 9, 2023

'Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust' Awarded to Sunny Days Children's Nursery Lyneham

Sunny Days Children’s Nursery Lyneham is delighted to have been awarded £68,000 in funding from the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust’s AF3 EYP programme for 2022/23.

This money will be put towards a total garden transformation at our Lyneham nursery and preschool.

Fiona Webb, Director of Sunny Days Children’s Nursery says: “We are delighted with the funding from the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust. We have started to work in partnership with Timotay Playscapes to transform the current outdoor space to create a specialised outdoor learning environment.”

Fiona continues: “The space will be designed using different zones, creating a unique, inclusive, sensory-rich, and challenging outdoor provision accessible for all learners regardless of individual need and disability. The new space will provide an all-weather solution, accessible for all learners. The objective of this project is to create a unique, inclusive, sensory-rich, and challenging outdoor provision, accessible for all learners, to be used as an extension to the school’s curriculum.”

November 3, 2023

Wiltshire: Healthy Child Drop-ins with Wiltshire's Health Visitors


The timetable is kept up to date on the Wiltshire Children's Services website which can be found here.

For further details of the Wiltshire Health Visiting service, including useful links and resources, please click here.

You can also find information from Wiltshire's Public Health team here.

Information provided by Colerne & Lyneham HIVE's

November 2, 2023

The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust - new fund to support Veterans’ and their families’ employability


The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust (the Trust) is delighted to announce the launch of the The Veterans’ Career Development Fund, supporting Veterans and their families to enter stable long-term employment, by delivering qualifications and training.

Under this new Fund, the Trust will award grants on behalf of the Office for Veterans’ Affairs (OVA) towards projects that help Veterans, and their families achieve recognised qualifications, which help them access employment that matches their skills and interests.

It will do this by supporting experienced organisations which can create and promote opportunities for Veterans and their families looking to enter employment. This includes those already in employment who aspire to progress in their careers, to acquire, or work towards acquiring, supplementary qualifications, technical training and skills.

November 1, 2023

SSAFA Forcesline


To visit the SSAFA Forcesline website, where you can also start a live chat, click here.

Grantham: Lincolnshire Domestic Abuse Specialist Service

Information provided by Grantham HIVE