May 1, 2024

Chatham: Medway Gaming Festival at the Chatham Historic Dockyard 15th - 16th June


Immerse yourself in the ultimate gaming experience in a unique historic setting. The Medway Gaming Festival will take over the iconic Historic Dockyard Chatham for an unforgettable weekend of gaming, technology and entertainment.

- Gaming Extravaganza
- Tech Zone
- Esports Tournaments
- Military Simulations
- Cosplay
- Retroland Exhibition
- Stage Shows
- Table Top Games
- LifesizeDND
- Not So Virtual Activists
- Gamer’s Feast

For further information CLICK HERE 

Note: Entry to this event is not included in the general entry ticket.  Free family passes for entry to the dockyard can be borrowed from the Brompton Barracks but families or service personnel using these passes would still need to purchase extra tickets to participate in the Gaming Festival.

Information provided by Chatham HIVE