May 7, 2024

Chepstow: MonLife Free Active Play Sessions during May Half Term

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MonLife are holding FREE Active Play sessions during half term

Bydd MonLife yn cynnal sesiynau Chwarae Gweithredol AM DDIM yn ystod gwyliau hanner tymor


Mae rhaglen Chwarae Gweithredol MonLife yn 1 awr a 55 munud lle gellir gadael plant 5-11 oed gyda’n gweithwyr chwarae hynod hyfforddedig a phrofiadol, a dewis o amrywiaeth o weithgareddau i’w chwarae gan gynnwys chwarae corfforol, celf a chrefft, adeiladu ffau neu ble bynnag mae eu dychymyg yn eu cymryd.

Our ‘Play’ programme is 1 hours and 55 minutes where children aged 5-11 can be left with our highly trained and experienced playworkers and choose from a range of activities to play including physical play, arts and crafts, archery or wherever their imagination takes them.


Bydd angen i rieni gwblhau ffurflen gofrestru i archebu lle er mwyn i’w plant fynychu.-

Parents will need to complete a registration form to book their children to attend.

Information provided by Wales HIVE Hub.