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September 30, 2024

AFCAS 2025 is open – make your voice count!

The Armed Forces Continuous Attitude Survey (AFCAS) is open!

The annual Armed Forces Continuous Attitude Survey (AFCAS) gives Service personnel the chance to share your views on working conditions, living conditions, and day-to-day Service and family life. Take part in AFCAS and tell us how to better understand your needs in the areas below:
  • Service life
  • Accommodation
  • Catering and retail
  • Deployments
  • Allowances and pensions
  • Service complaints/Service Complaints Ombudsman
  • Armed Forces Covenant
  • Factors influencing intentions to stay/leave the Armed Forces
  • Defence Estate, e.g., training facilities, opportunities for sport and much more
Who can complete AFCAS, and how?

If you are a Service person who has been invited to take part in this year’s survey, you will receive an email with information on how to complete the survey. Your Service number – which is case sensitive – is the token you need to enter. Please be assured that your responses will be confidential.

Every response counts…

The more people we hear from, the better able we are to improve your Service and family life. Your voice matters. To view previous AFCAS results, visit GOV.UK.

Norther Ireland: Smalls & Talls at Straidhavern Primary returns from Wednesday 2nd October

For more details please click here

Information provided by HIVE NI

Weeton: Monthly Book Club in the Community Centre

Information provided by Preston & Weeton HIVE

September 29, 2024

Northern Ireland: NIdirect Cost of Living Information and Advice

Information and advice about support with the cost of living, including:
• help with energy costs
• help with your income
• help for families and children
• help for older people
• help with housing
• help with other costs
Find out more:
Jobs & Benefits Northern Ireland

Information provided by HIVE NI

September 27, 2024

South Cerney: AWS Play & Youth Clubs have re-started!


Please note the new timings and change in age groups

Information provided by Lyneham HIVE

Weeton: Take part in a monthly litter picking - keep Weeton tidy

Information provided by Preston & Weeton HIVE

Weeton: AWS Youth Club Sessions

Information provided by Preston & Weeton HIVE

Weeton: HomeStart sessions

Weeton Camp HomeStart sessions

New venue - new times

Every Friday 9am-11am - Weeton children’s Centre

Tuesdays 1.30pm - 3.30pm - Weeton Community centre

Information provided by Preston & Weeton HIVE

West Midlands: Donnington Community Hub - Veterans' Lunch Offer

Information provided by: Central HIVE Hub


West Midlands: Visiting Shrewsbury or Ludlow Town Centres Park & Ride £1 return until 31 March

Visiting Shrewsbury or Ludlow town centres?

Park and ride costs just £1 return until 31 March - and in Shrewsbury is FREE for accompanied under-16s.

In Shrewsbury the fare applies to passengers boarding at Harlescott, Meole Brace and Oxon park and ride sites.

 In Ludlow the fare applies to passengers boarding at the ECO park site.

Information provided by: Central HIVE Hub

September 26, 2024

The Military children’s charity, Little Troopers, is celebrating ten years of its ‘Little Trooper of the Month’ award scheme


Established in 2014 to recognise children of our British Armed Forces the charity has awarded medals to 120 children who have been especially brave and resilient in the face of adversity.

The Little Troopers winners are all children who have parents serving in the forces and understand first-hand how challenging life can be growing up with a serving parent. Many of the youngsters have experienced long periods of separation from their serving parent due to deployments and military exercises, as well as frequent house and school moves, on top of other challenging life circumstances at home.

Previous winners have included eight-year-old Rubi Smith from Scotland, who has permanent hearing loss in one ear and has amazed her family by continuing to compete in singing competitions; as well as three-year-old Austin Porter from Chippenham who copes with daily pain caused by chronic pancreatitis and has undergone surgery on several occasions while his Dad has been deployed overseas multiple times.

Stafford: Staffordshire County Council new careers website

 Where you can make a difference!

Our new careers website is live! It has a new design and a new ambassador programme that lets you hear directly from our employees about what it's like to work here.

The website, which is the best place to learn about all the jobs and opportunities we have on offer.

On the new website, you can:

➡ Explore our different departments and find out what we do
➡ Search for jobs that match your skills and interests
➡ Learn more about our benefits and career development opportunities
➡ Meet our ambassadors, real employees who talk about their experiences working here.

We're especially excited about our new ambassador programme. We asked colleagues to tell us their career stories, and we were blown away by their passion and dedication.

Information provided by Stafford HIVE

September 25, 2024

Staffordshire: Staffordshire network for mental health - 'New journey to wellbeing programme'

On behalf of Staffordshire network for mental health, I am delighted to share with you all our exciting news of our new 'Journey to Wellbeing programme'.

I have attached our flyer with details and we are now accepting referrals.

Please feel free to share with your colleagues or anyone who may benefit from our support.

If you would like any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Information provided by Stafford HIVE

Non-UK Nationals: Settlement fees waived for bereaved partners facing destitution

A news article was published recently on, highlighting that people dealing with the death of their partner and facing financial hardship will soon be able to apply to have the application fee for settlement waived.​ The implementation date in the article is 9 Oct 24.

This update applies equally to the Armed Forces community including veterans: "Bereaved partners of members of HM Armed Forces, Gurkhas or Hong Kong military unit veterans (discharged before 1 July 1997) may also benefit from this fee waiver.​"

To read the article in full, please go to: Settlement fees waived for bereaved partners facing destitution - GOV.UK (

Army HIVE's Non-UK National team can be contacted for further information via this email address:

September 24, 2024

West Midlands: Are your a Key Worker? - Barratt or David Wilson Homes - Key Worker Deposit Contribution Scheme

Information provided by: Central HIVE Hub

Chepstow: Free Swim for Under 16's at a MonLife Leisure Centre

Under-16’s can enjoy a free swim at your local MonLife Active Leisure centre during the following times:

Chepstow Leisure Centre: Saturdays from 3:30pm – 4:30pm
Abergavenny Leisure Centre: Sundays between 10.30am – 11.30am
Monmouth Leisure Centre: Saturdays between 2:45pm – 3:45pm
Caldicot Leisure Centre: Saturdays between 11.30am – 12.45pm

Find out more by clicking here.

Information provided by Wales HIVE Hub.

Celebrating the exam success of our Defence Children Services schools

Proud GCSE students at St John’s School

Mr Richard Sproson (Head Teacher) and Myles at King Richard School (GCSE student)

Defence Children Services (DCS) schools, which support Service children in education and care, are pleased to share the recent exam success of their pupils.

Defence Children Services schools, which are attended by children while their parents are stationed overseas, have some great news to share…

St John’s School and King Richard School in Cyprus are proud to announce the Summer 2024 exam success of their secondary school pupils. These results represent the dedication, resilience, and hard work of students and staff alike.

Applauding the A Level and BTEC results 

The results for both schools demonstrate improvements for Year 13 students, made up of 17 and 18 year olds. This year, the average A Level grade for both schools is a grade C. While this has been maintained by King Richard School, it is an improvement for St John’s School, which scored an average D grade in 2023.

Similarly, the outcome for Business and Technology Education Council (BTEC) students at both schools has increased from last year and is above the average English national score for 2024.

All students at these schools have been successful in securing a place in their further educational choices, with 98% of students getting their first choices.

Weeton: Mini Mover in the Family Hub - every Tuesday during term times

Information provided by Preston & Weeton HIVE

September 23, 2024

Service families - help us to better understand the needs, wants, and wishes of children, young people, families, and individuals overseas

Service families, have your say!

Defence Children Services (DCS) has responsibility for the functions, in support of service families related to education and care, previously undertaken by Defence Children and Young People (DCYP). DCS provides a single focus for all issues related to Service children and young people, providing high-quality education at 22 schools and settings in locations around the world. DCS also directly supports Service families, providing advice on a wide range of educational, safeguarding and social care matters both overseas and in the UK.

On behalf of the Defence Safeguarding Partnership Board (DSPB), DCS are undertaking a Local Needs Analysis to inform the future delivery of social work, family support and personal support for all children, young people, families and individuals whilst both assigned and accompanying on overseas postings.

The existing social work and personal family support is provided through a contracted provision by British Forces Social Work Services (BFSWS) who seek to replicate UK (English) “statutory type social care support”. The DSPB wish to consider alternative delivery models to focus on early intervention, prevention and family/individual support, still ensuring the safety and protection of our most vulnerable individuals.

To help DCS consider what the support service needs to look like, we need the help of those who we seek to support. By completing the Local Needs Analysis Feedback Form, which should take no longer than 7 minutes, you can help to shape the future of social care, family support and personal support for you, your family and any entitled individuals overseas.

Please submit your forms by Friday 4th October 2024.

Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust: New Trust funding programme dedicated to supporting specific communities of Veterans

The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust (the Trust) are proud to introduce the Fulfilling Futures Programme, part of our ongoing rollout of Covenant Fund programme launches.

Based on feedback from the Trust’s consultation findings, this programme has been designed to fund projects to improve the quality of life for Veterans who have experienced significant, negative impact which is evidenced to be related to their experience during Service.

What is the Fulfilling Futures programme all about?

The Trust ran a public consultation in 2023, which identified that one of the key areas to focus on was ‘ensuring our Armed Forces communities are not disadvantaged.’ This new programme will focus on supporting Veterans who have faced significant and evident challenges during their Service, which has created barriers or compromised their ability to have a fulfilling Service experience. The consultation findings are available to read on The Trust website.

West Midlands: Volunteers needed for AWS Donnington's Youth Forum


Information provided by: Central HIVE Hub

September 19, 2024

Grantham: Wellbeing Cafe

Information provided by Grantham HIVE


Grantham: Supporting transparency in SEND

Information provided by Grantham HIVE


AGAI 50 and the 'Guide for Non-UK Nationals and Unit Support' - updated and re-published


Both AGAI 50 and the Guide for Non-UK Nationals and Unit Support have been republished. The AGAI may be found here, while the Guide is available on both the Personal Services SharePoint site and Defence Connect. The SharePoint site also contains copies of the unit letters featured in the AGAI and Guide and a version of the PowerPoint presentation for annual briefings.

​Please note that these links are only accessible via MODnet/Defence Gateway. Please contact HIVE if assistance is required.

Aberlour: Nature walks, a stroll a cuppa and connect

click on image to enlarge

Information provided by Leuchars HIVE

Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust - news update


Please see below for new updates on how you can catch up on the recent Covenant Fund Webinar if you missed it, and also their launch of three new Covenant Fund programmes - read on for the full details on Supporting Serving Families Overseas, Family Focus and Fulfilling Futures.

Missed our recent Covenant Fund webinar? You can now catch up on our website... Find out all about our new programmes and our new funding framework, plus an in-depth Q&A session where attendees had the chance to put their questions to the Trust team. Find out more here

Supporting Serving Families Overseas is dedicated to recognising and addressing the unique challenges faced by partners, young people and children posted overseas. With grants between £3,000 and £20,000 available, we aim to support projects that enhance emotional wellbeing, mental health, social connections and overall family dynamics. Find out more here

The Family Focus programme is designed to support family members who care for serving personnel and Veterans who are wounded, injured or sick by improving access to support and building resilience to those with a caring role. Grants of between £50,000 and £100,000 to fund projects that address their needs beyond their roles as carers and consider the wellbeing of the whole family unit, enhancing quality of life. Find out more here

Fulfilling Futures will focus on supporting Veterans who have faced significant and evident challenges during their Service, which has created barriers or compromised their ability to have a fulfilling Service experience. Organisations can either apply for a project lasting 12-18 months for grants between £50,000 and £100,000 or projects lasting three to four years for grants up to £300,000. Find out more here

You can find full details of all programmes currently accepting applications on our current programmes page

Northern Ireland: Belfast Giants Ice Hockey Team, SSE Arena

The Belfast Giants are a professional ice hockey team based in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
They compete in the UK's Elite Ice Hockey League and play their home games at the SSE Arena.

September 18, 2024

Leuchars: Community Use Football Pitch

Leuchars Station (MOD), with the help of Mitie landscaping team and funding from Pinnacle Housing, have turned part of Earlshall Playing Fields at Leuchars into a 7-aside football pitch that can be utilised by members of the Military and local community. 

The facility is currently well used by children after school, at evenings and weekends – a great example of a community-based project that will enhance community cohesion and spirit here at Leuchars (football nets are held in the Guardroom and can be booked out and returned after each session).

Information provided by Leuchars HIVE

Dunfermline: Are you ready to upskill with 154 Scottish Regiment RLC?

📌 Wednesday Nights
📌 Weekends
📌 Annual Camp
📌 Adventure Training
📌 Tax-Free Bonuses

Get Paid to Learn New Skills 😎

Interested? 🤔

Information provided by Leuchars HIVE

September 17, 2024

Hampshire: Home Start Hampshire in Rushmoor & Hart

At Home-Start Hampshire we run a range of family groups which are by referral only, third party or self-referral. The groups are supported by trained and experienced volunteers who will ensure you and your little one(s) are welcomed, feel safe and have a positive experience.

All of our groups provide a safe non-judgmental environment where families can make the first steps to regular social interaction and peer support.

To refer a family to one of our groups, or make a self-referral please complete and return a referral form, which can be found HERE

Information provided by South East HIVE Hub

September 16, 2024

Catterick: Stay & Play at Colburn Village Hall every Weds

We meet every Wednesday 0900 - 1115 hrs, free to attend and snack/ tea & coffee is provided

Information provided by North HIVE Hub

Elgin, Buckie and Keith: Moray Council Household Waste Recycling Centres reduced hours from October

Three Moray Council Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs) will be working with reduced hours from Tuesday 8 October 2024.

Elgin’s Chanonry Recycling Centre, Buckie’s Gollachy site and Keith HWRC will be closed on Mondays and open Tuesday to Saturday from 9am until 4pm and Sundays from 10am until 3pm.

For more information 👉

Information provided by Leuchars HIVE

Visa and Immigration changes for non-UK nationals

Visa and Immigration changes for non-UK nationals

If you or your family hold a Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) which expires on 31 December 2024, you will need to replace it by registering for a UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) account.

UKVI will be contacting customers by email to advise them to register for a UKVI account, but you do not need to wait to be contacted to take action. If you or family members have changed your email address since your last application for leave, or used someone else’s email address, you may not receive this email, but you can still register for an account.

What is a Biometric Residence Permit (BRP)?

A BRP is proof of an individual’s right to stay, work or study in the UK, it can also be used to confirm an individual’s identity and right to any public services or benefits they may be entitled to whilst in the UK. Currently a Biometric Residence Permit is required by anyone who comes to the UK for:
  • longer than 6 months,
  • extends their visa beyond 6 months,
  • applies to Settle in the UK,
  • transfers their visa to a new passport,
  • or applies for certain Home Office travel documents.

Help your child’s school to access Service Pupil Premium funding

Click image to enlarge.

Help your child’s school to qualify for the Service Pupil Premium by informing them of your Service status by 3 October 2024.

State schools, academies and free schools in England, which have children of Service families in the school years from Reception to Year 11, can receive Service Pupil Premium (SPP) funding

The Department for Education (DfE) provides extra funding – £340 per pupil – to help schools to support Service children. It is for the school to decide how the money is spent, but support is often provided through pastoral support and can help to mitigate the impact of family mobility or parental deployment. The funding can be used for individual pupils or added to larger support projects.

Service parents are encouraged to inform schools of their Service status ahead of the autumn census deadline of 3 October 2024. You can do this by talking to the headteacher or school administration staff. Without this information, schools will miss out on this additional funding.

September 12, 2024

Northallerton: Parent Carer Support - First Monday every month

 Information provided by North HIVE Hub

North Yorkshire: North Yorkshire Sport - Understanding the importance of physical activity


North Yorkshire Sport are completing consultations with Military Families, Veterans and Military Personnel across North Yorkshire to understand the importance of physical activity within the network and identity any potential gaps in services. If you want to go along and share your views, please complete the attendance form.

Sessions are:

Wednesday 16th Oct @ 11am 1-pm - Pickering

Thursday 17th Oct @ 9am – 11am - Harrogate

Wednesday 17th Oct @ 3pm - 5pm - Colburn/Catterick

Refreshments will be provided and a voucher of £15 available to thank people for their participation.

Information provided by North HIVE Hub

Grantham: Belvoir Castle Military discount to Serving Personnel & families


Military discount is now available, used online for pre purchase tickets get 20% off and 10% off if used on entrance at the gate on the day. Email Grantham HIVE for details: 

Information provided by Grantham HIVE

Grantham: A polite Dog Rules on Camp reminder

When pets are outside the workplace they must be kept on a lead at ALL TIMES, (apart from the areas on the map, Annex D to Grantham Station Orders refer). 

Failure to follow this policy will result in owners being directed to remove the pet from the working environment. Dog walking area guidance

Information provided by Grantham HIVE

West Midlands: Wolverhampton Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Surveys for the Armed Forces Community

As part of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) City of Wolverhampton have launched surveys to capture the experiences and understand the needs of the Armed Forces Community in Wolverhampton. Your input is invaluable in helping us support you better. Please select the appropriate survey below:

Personnel/Veterans: For individuals currently serving or who have served in the armed forces, including both full-time personnel, reservists, and veterans.

Family Members: For families of serving or former armed forces members, including spouses and partners, widows and widowers, wider family members, and adult (18 years or older) children.

Service Children: For children (including adopted children) of serving or former armed forces families who are younger than 18 years.

The surveys are now open until Monday 19 September 2024.

Information provided by Central HIVE Hub

Scotland: Most Frequently Reported Scams in Scotland 2024

click on image to enlarge

The latest Scam Share bulletin has case studies and advice on how to avoid the top 5 scams reported by Scottish consumers in the Big Scottish Scam Survey.

Information provided by Leuchars HIVE

September 11, 2024

Colerne: Weekly schedule of community groups on camp at Azimghur Barracks


Please click the image above to enlarge

Information provided by Colerne HIVE