Leuchars: Closure of Main Street, Leuchars Station (MOD) Mon 3rd - Sun 16th Mar Inclusive

To enable replacement of a gas main Fife Council has approved closure of the Main Street road through Leuchars Station from Mon 3 - Sun 16 Mar 25. The road will be closed in entirety South of the main access gate. Due to the nature of the works the contractor has advised there will be no vehicular or pedestrian access through this area for the duration of the works. Access to Meteor Row service families accommodation will be unaffected. Please accept our apologies for the disruption this will cause whilst these vital works are completed. Access from the south from Guardbridge Junction for deliveries, MoD Vehs and MoD pass holder vehicles will be via the Officers Mess access gate (route marked in purple) from 0700-1900hrs Mon-Fri and on call from the guardroom during weekends and out of hours. Pedestrian access for MoD SP and dependants with Passes will also be via the Officers Mess gate using the foot path that runs parallel with the fence line marked in yellow. Diversion signs will be in place. SPs with dependants that require access are reminded to ensure they have in date passes to gain access.
The Station would like to apologise for any disturbance that this closure will cause to the civilian community who will be required to make alternative routes using Station Road (A919).
Information provided by Leuchars HIVE