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September 10, 2024

Aldershot: Rushmoor Borough Council Job Fair Thursday 19th Sept 1000hrs - 1400hrs


Information provided by South East HIVE Hub

Pembrokeshire: Advance Notice of Pembroke St Michaelmas Fair from 10 - 12 Oct 24

Information provided by Wales HIVE Hub.

Understanding the impact of Government school fees policy for SP with children using private schools

In light of the introduction of a governmental policy which will charge VAT on private and independent schools in the UK from 1 January 2025, the Army Personnel Policy team are keen to understand the impact of this change on Service Personnel and their families. 

The British Army recognises the unique circumstances faced by our serving personnel and that frequent mobility can disrupt children’s education. The Continuity of Education Allowance (CEA) helps by providing the children of serving personnel with a stable education that wouldn’t otherwise be available in the state-maintained school sector. The Army are working closely with the Army Families Federation (AFF) to better understand the full impact of the removal of the VAT exemption on independent schools from 1 January 2025.

Recognising not only CEA claimants but many other Service families who depend on private schools to provide stability to their children whilst they meet the day to day demands of Service life, and those who may consider this in the future, this survey is designed to provide all SP with the opportunity to submit their views on the matter.

The survey should take no more than 4 minutes to complete.

SP and Families are warmly encouraged to complete this short poll which can be found here: School Fees Poll (​​ . The survey closes at midnight on Monday 23 September 2024.

North Yorkshire: NYC Let's Talk Active Survey 9 Sep - 4 Nov

Let’s Talk Active is part of our series of Let’s Talk conversations with you. The conversations are part of our continued commitment to listen to people who live and work in North Yorkshire. We want to hear from you! Please fill in the online survey here

We would like to know if you are physically active, what is important to you about being active, and any barriers you face. This will help us to develop our council leisure facilities and our community-based sport and leisure services now and in the future.

Watch a short clip about the campaign here

Our new Active North Yorkshire service will have a stronger focus on health and wellbeing, supporting more people to be active, especially people who may need additional support and who don’t currently use our services. If you are a leisure centre user, gathering information on how you perceive and experience your local leisure centre will help us to identify strengths as well as areas for improvement. We are also keen to hear from you if you don’t currently use our facilities - understanding why you don’t use them is just as valuable.

Bracknell: Bracknell Open Learning Centre Community Learning Open Evening 25th Sep 5pm - 8pm


Information provided by South East HIVE

September 9, 2024

Vale of Glamorgan: Woody's Lodge Family Day - Sat 21 Sep at Amelia Trust Farm

Information provided by Wales HIVE Hub.

Co-ordinated School Admissions - Top Tips for Parents in England

Click image to enlarge.

What is co-ordinated admissions?

This advice applies if you have a child starting primary school (Yr R) or secondary school (Yr 7) in England for the first time (please note some LAs have a middle school point of entry also).

To access the School Admission Top Tips please click here.

To access the School Admissions Code please click here.

Grantham: Belton Lane and Swingbridge Children's Centre Timetables

Information provided by Grantham HIVE


Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust: New Trust funding programme to support serving families overseas

The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust (the Trust) has launched Supporting Serving Families Overseas Programme under the Covenant Fund exciting three-year Funding Framework.

The Supporting Serving Families Overseas programme is now open for applications for grants of between £3,000 and £20,000, for projects that aim to assist serving families stationed at overseas bases and defence locations, focusing on addressing and recognising wellbeing issues faced by partners, children and young people during overseas posting.

What is the Supporting Serving Families Overseas programme all about?

The Trust ran a public consultation in 2023, which identified that one of the key areas to focus on was ‘ensuring our Armed Forces communities are not disadvantaged’.’ This family- focused programme will support serving families overseas by addressing their needs, including emotional wellbeing, mental health, social connections, and overall family dynamics. The aim is to better assist those deployed overseas alongside their Service personnel. The consultation findings are available to read on The Trust website.

Service families - help us to better understand the needs, wants, and wishes of children, young people, families, and individuals overseas

Service families, have your say!

Defence Children Services (DCS) has responsibility for the functions, in support of service families related to education and care, previously undertaken by Defence Children and Young People (DCYP). DCS provides a single focus for all issues related to Service children and young people, providing high-quality education at 22 schools and settings in locations around the world. DCS also directly supports Service families, providing advice on a wide range of educational, safeguarding and social care matters both overseas and in the UK.

On behalf of the Defence Safeguarding Partnership Board (DSPB), DCS are undertaking a Local Needs Analysis to inform the future delivery of social work, family support and personal support for all children, young people, families and individuals whilst both assigned and accompanying on overseas postings.

The existing social work and personal family support is provided through a contracted provision by British Forces Social Work Services (BFSWS) who seek to replicate UK (English) “statutory type social care support”. The DSPB wish to consider alternative delivery models to focus on early intervention, prevention and family/individual support, still ensuring the safety and protection of our most vulnerable individuals.

To help DCS consider what the support service needs to look like, we need the help of those who we seek to support. By completing the Local Needs Analysis Feedback Form, which should take no longer than 7 minutes, you can help to shape the future of social care, family support and personal support for you, your family and any entitled individuals overseas.

Please submit your forms by Friday 4th October 2024.