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November 27, 2024

Wiltshire: 16 Days of Action against domestic abuse campaign


Do you know the signs of domestic abuse and stalking? What would you do if you were concerned that you, or someone you know is a victim?

The national campaign ‘16 Days of Action’ started on Monday 25 November and this year Wiltshire and Swindon are raising awareness of domestic abuse and stalking and how people can help if they think something isn’t right.

Wiltshire Council, Swindon Borough Council, Wiltshire Police, Office of Police and Crime Commissioner, Wiltshire’s commissioned domestic abuse support service, FearFree, Swindon’s commissioned domestic abuse support service, Swindon Paragon Domestic Abuse Service and charity Swindon Women’s Aid are all participating.

The organisations involved will be sharing information and case studies on social media on what people can do if they are concerned that they, or someone they know is a victim of domestic abuse or stalking.

Events are also taking place across the county including a White Ribbon event in Swindon on 25 November to raise awareness of violence against women and girls, and information stands at Chippenham and Swindon Christmas markets.

Click here to read more about the campaign in Wiltshire and Swindon

People who are experiencing domestic abuse can contact:

FearFree call 01225 775276 or email
Out of hours helpline 01225 712880

Swindon Paragon Integrated Domestic Abuse Service 24 Hour Helpline call 01793 610610

Information provided by Colerne and Lyneham HIVEs

Fylde Coast Women's Aid

Visit our website for more Information.

Information provided by Preston & Weeton HIVE

Kirkham: AFC Fylde Community Foundation - Girls Football Development Centre

 Information provided by Preston & Weeton HIVE

Bridgend: Autism Discovery Sessions, first Tue of every month, at Jump Jam, Bridgend

Inclusive Sessions For Individuals with Additional Needs:

Where: Jump Jam, Unit 2, Horsefair Road, Waterton Industrial Estate, Bridgend CF31 3YN

When: First Tuesday of every month 4pm - 5pm *(Excluding School Holidays) 

Cost: £11.50

The entire park is reserved for guests with autism and other additional needs along with their families and carers. Every guest can be accompanied by one family member or carer free of charge. Their sound system is turned down low and their flash lighting is turned off. The capacity of the arena is reduced to a limited amount of jumpers for this hour.

Contact Information: | 01656 253161

Information provided by Wales HIVE Hub. 

Gloucestershire: GDASS 16 Days of Action

16 Days of Action is a yearly campaign to raise awareness of domestic violence and encourage collective action to work towards its elimination. It runs from 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, to 10 December, Human Rights Day.

Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse Support Service's (GDASS) calendar of events, shared on behalf of the Domestic Abuse Local Partnership Board, can be found here. These events are free and available for anyone to attend.

Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse Support Service (GDASS)
GDASS is a free and confidential service countywide support for anyone who has experienced or is experiencing domestic abuse (aged 16+).

01452 726 570 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm)

Information provided by Lyneham HIVE

West Sussex : Breakeven Introduction and Armed Forces Gambling Support Network Information


Information Provided by South East HIVE Hub

Brecon: Happy Feet Runners - On Mondays & Thursdays

Click to enlarge.
Event Details:

Have you been running from your health? Run alongside it, with Brecon Athletic Club's Happy Feet Runners. Whether a beginner or experienced in running, the course is aimed to keep a safe and welcoming space for all, with the assistance of licensed Welsh Athletics Running Fitness Coaches.

Enrolment Fee: £20.00 (also provides Associate Membership to Brecon Athletic Club)

Register your interest by contacting:

Information provided by Wales HIVE Hub.

November 26, 2024

RBLI LifeWorks - Employment Course for Families

Click to enlarge.

Lifeworks Families (LWF) is an employability skills course that aims to help you find the right job for you, and having found it, to be able to get it!

We do this by firstly evaluating our situation, and then how to plan to get after our goals. This leads into what we need to do, and why we need to follow certain ‘rules,’ as well as how to make all that work to increase the chances we get what we want.

We cover so much more than how to write a CV, including a 5-course programme leading directly to nationally recognised qualifications. The 4 days are designed to work together as a whole rather than as individual sessions. Our qualifications package will provide you with a grounding in one of three career areas and provide a framework for your 12-month ‘Forward Assist’ period following the course.

Accommodation: Online e1132 password process change on 9th Dec 2024

Online e1132 password process change

The password process for the online e1132 system is changing on Monday 9 December 2024.

To ensure your online details are kept as securely as possible, we are changing the way we record, store and provide users with their details (when requested).

All users of the online e1132 system will need to reset their own passwords the next time they login to the system. Once the reset is completed, the user's new chosen password will remain unchanged until the user chooses to change it. There is no deadline for users to change their password, the change is only triggered the next time they go to login into the e1132 system.

Before the change on Monday 9 December, we encourage users to log into their e1132 accounts to check that the email address linked to their account is valid.

Leconfield: AWS Junior Youth Club - Tuesdays 5:30-7pm


Information provided by Leconfield HIVE