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March 10, 2025

Army&You Magazine – Spring Edition Out Now!

View Army&You Magazine - Spring edition at the link below:

Stafford: University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust latest job vacancies as at 10th March 2025


Please use the below links to see all the latest UHNM vacancies.

Nursing and Midwifery: Job vacancy search: Which health sector? |

Health Science Services: Job vacancy search: Which health sector? |

Support Services: Job vacancy search: Which health sector? |

Administrative Services: Job vacancy search: Which health sector? |

Medical and Dental: Job vacancy search: Which health sector? |

Allied Health professionals: Job vacancy search: Which health sector? |

Information provided by Stafford HIVE

Bovington: Garrison youth club sessions

Information provided by Bovington HIVE

Dept for Work & Pensions: Roundup of recent DWP announcements

Changes to strengthen Statutory Sick Pay

The Government has announced changes to strengthen Statutory Sick Pay which will benefit more than one million employees across the UK as part of efforts to grow the economy.

Through the Employment Rights Bill, Government is strengthening Statutory Sick pay by removing the Lower Earnings Limit so that the safety net of sick pay is available to those who need it most. We are also removing the Waiting Period so that Statutory Sick Pay is paid from the first day of sickness absence.

As part of the Government amendments to the Employment Rights Bill tabled this week, it was announced low earners who find themselves ill will either receive 80%of their normal weekly earnings or the flat rate of Statutory Sick Pay (which will be £118.75 per week from April) – whichever is lower.

This means some of the lowest earners will be up to £100 better off per week, compared to the current system and employees will be able to take the time off work that they need to recover, so they can get better and remain in work rather than risk quitting altogether.

This new percentage rate strikes the right balance between providing financial security for employees who fall ill, and the cost to businesses – all while retaining the incentives for people to return to work.

More information about the change to Statutory Sick Pay is available on GOV.UK, as well as the Government’s response to the Statutory Sick Pay consultation.

Deadline to fill National Insurance gaps to increase State Pension

People have until 5 April 2025 to fill gaps in their National Insurance (NI) record dating back to 6 April 2006. After this date, payments can only be made for the previous six tax years.

The quickest and easiest way for people to check a State Pension forecast and find out if they can benefit from paying to fill NI gaps is by checking their NI record on GOV.UK or in the HMRC app. Guidance on how to download the HMRC app is on GOV.UK.

For anyone who is unable to get through on Department for Work and Pensions’ (DWP) phoneline ahead of the deadline, there is an online call back request form. This will enable people to request a call back about paying voluntary National Insurance contributions to fill gaps in State Pension entitlement between 2006 and 2018.

The form will be available on the Contact the Future Pension Centre page on GOV.UK. DWP will call back to discuss payment of voluntary National Insurance contributions. When a person submits a request, a message will appear on their screen to confirm that their request has been sent to the DWP Pension Centre. This will normally be within 8 weeks of submitting a request, there is no need to make further contact with DWP or HMRC.

Move to Universal Credit update

Tax credits are closing on 5 April 2025, and customers must respond to their migration notices by their deadline date to continue to receive financial support from the Government. DWP continue to increase the number of migration notices being sent to customers receiving ESA, with all notices due to be sent by the end of 2025.

The department recognises that some tax credit customers may wait until their deadline to claim Universal Credit. For those customers who have a deadline date close to the tax credit closure date, we want to ensure that we provide as much support as possible and are therefore opening our Universal Credit Migration Notice Helpline on Saturday 5 April, to answer any customer questions, telephone: 0800 169 0328*.

The end of March 2025 marks the closure of the Universal Credit Programme and its transition from delivering ‘Move to UC’ from a Programme-led approach to a ‘business as usual’ operation.

* 0800 phone numbers are free to call from mobiles and landlines.

AFF Independent School Fees Survey – closes 16 Mar 25

The Army Families Federation have deployed a survey which aims to measure the financial impact to families after the implementation of the policy introducing 20% VAT on independent school fees. If your family is utilising independent education, whether claiming CEA or not, they would very much appreciate you completing the survey at the link below.

Please note that the survey is due to close on 16 March.

Give Us Time & Walling2Recovery breaks

Click poster to enlarge.

Home - Give us time - Breaks for service personnel and their families

DWP Work Coach Vacancies available - Avon, Somerset and Gloucestershire

Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) have 29 Work Coach roles available for applications across Avon, Somerset and Gloucestershire, open from 10/03/25 to 24/03/25.

Civil Service Jobs link: Universal Credit Job Centre - Work Coach - Avon, Somerset and Gloucestershire (Ref: 727) - Civil Service Jobs - GOV.UK

Candidates who are successful to interview stage for this campaign will be asked to attend a live interview with the interviewers via Microsoft Teams. Information about the live interview process is included in the advert and on the microsite link below.

More information on DWP, the roles available and the application process can be found on the DWP EO Microsite.

Blandford: Garrison Easter scheme activities Mon 7th - Thurs 10th April

The Blandford CDW of the Army Welfare Service is asking you to register your child for the below sessions: Click HERE (You must complete the form to secure attendance at sessions)

Crazy Creatures Sessions 
Monday 7th April 11:00-12:30 for years 1 to 3 and 12:30 -14:00 for years 4 to 6 £5.00 per child 15 spaces available on each session. Held at the Jubilee Hall. NEW ANIMALS

Delivered by two Rugby League Coaches 
Tuesday 8th April 09:30 to 12:30 for year groups 1 to 3 and 13:00 to 16:00 for years 4 to 6 please drop kids down at Rugby Pitch by the running track. Cost £10 per child 16 spaces available on each session.

Creative Craft Session led by Creative Kids company 
Wednesday 9th April 10:30 to 12:00 Age range year 4 to year 6 Held at Jubilee Hall £5.00 per child 15 spaces available

CDW Led Seniors Session 
Thursday 10th April 
10:00 until 12:00 at the Jubilee Hall for Seniors year 7 and above. This session we will have some fun getting messy and doing some games.

Sessions will be held in Jubilee hall and Rugby Pitch, Blandford camp

This registration is for each of the four days, you can pick just 1 or multiple. Please ensure payment and registration by Friday the 21st March 2025, 17:00

If you have any questions, please contact
Craig Hutton the Blandford CDW at Mobile: 07450219924

Information provided by Bovington HIVE

Blandford: Easter egg hunt Fri 11th April - Book now

Credit: BlandfordForumTC

To book your child’s free ticket click HERE

Information provided by Bovington HIVE


Bovington: Free Easter egg trail at Monkey World Fri 18th - Mon 21st April

More details and to book HERE

Information provided by Bovington HIVE