Update on the installation of Electric Vehicle Charge Points (EVCP) in SFA
Following a successful EVCP installation pilot in the South East region, we are pleased to inform families that the scheme is now being rolled out nationwide.
Families whose SFA has off-road parking or a dedicated garage within its immediate vicinity will be eligible to have an individual EVCP installed. Those that have registered for an EVCP and whose SFA meet the eligibility criteria, will be contacted by Pinnacle in the coming months to arrange for a survey and installation, where appropriate.
Subject to funding, estate-wide delivery of EVCPs is also being planned. Two estates – Woolwich and RAF Leeming – have been chosen for the initial delivery in late November, with other SFA estates also being considered. DIO will write to SFA families where estate delivery is planned to give full details prior to any works commencing.
If you have, or are in the process of purchasing, an electric vehicle and have not yet requested a charging point please contact the Pinnacle helpdesk to register your interest. There are no costs to families for an EVCP installation, and grant funding cannot be claimed.
Please note, if you install an EVCP without requesting approval, you may incur charges when moving out.
Further detailed guidance on EVCP installations can be found here.