Information provided by Chester HIVE
Generic and local information for the UK Military community including Serving Personnel, Families, Veterans, and MOD Civilians.
This is best viewed through a personal device because the MODnet firewall may prevent access to some links.
- TOP: Blog posts by area; subject-specific information sheets; links to HIVE's Social Media, and a map of contact details for our worldwide information centres and their Location Guides.
- LEFT COLUMN: Use the search engine; sign up to receive our weekly email updates, or find information by subject.
- RIGHT COLUMN: Contact HIVE with your specific query.
- CENTRAL SECTION: All the latest posts in date order:
October 26, 2022
Chester: CATCH - Common Approach to Children's Health
October 25, 2022
Wattisham: Suffolk libraries - free e-books and audiobooks
You can apply at the library or via the website.
Here you can access to Borrowbox app which provides access to E-Books and Audio-books (children and adults).
October 21, 2022
Defence Accommodation Strategy
We recognise the importance of homes and families to the wellbeing of Service Personnel, especially when making such extraordinary sacrifices in the UK and overseas.
Defence continues to consider how we best support our people and ensure that they have access to high quality subsidised accommodation in line with modern living standards and the support that meets their varied needs, health, and wellbeing.
To read click HERE
October 19, 2022
Lichfield: Compensation - Pinnacle Service Families

You may be entitled to compensation if you have experienced any of the following;
- Missed appointments
- Failed Move in – if during your move in experience there was a significant defect resulting in a habitable or non-habitable fault
- Incorrect Tradesperson – If the wrong tradesperson arrives to attend a repair you have reported who is not suitably qualified to fix/ make good the issue and has to arrange for a second visit by the correct tradesperson
- Total loss of heating/cooking facilities – if there is a total loss of heating facilities (where temporary heating is provided) or total loss of cooking facilities
Lancashire: New Cost of Living information hub launched
We've launched our new Cost of Living information hub, making it easier for people to find the help they need.
It's contains various areas of support, including our Warm and Welcome Places scheme.
Read more more about it here

October 18, 2022
Servicewomen’s Health Handbook
Copies of the handbook are available via internal Health and Wellbeing Portals or can be downloaded direct from Servicewomen's Health Handbook
Scotland: Mindful Connections a new service launched to help veteran families transition to civilian life
Forces Children Scotland has received funding from the Scottish Veterans Fund to deliver Mindful Connections to support families who have made or will make the transition from military to civilian life across Central Scotland.
It’s the whole family which makes the transition
Children and young people have told us that making the transition from an armed forces to civilian family can prove a challenging experience for many different reasons. That’s why we will deliver a holistic family support service to help families to work together to make a successful transition from military to civilian life.
Tax Free Childcare - Overseas
If you are eligible for Tax-Free Childcare (TFC) and you are assigned to an overseas location within the European Economic Area (and Switzerland) where there is no access to MOD provided schools and nurseries, you will be able to claim the TFC top-up using a manual process.
Armed Forces Families and Safeguarding (AFFS) worked with HMRC to allow for an application to be made with data then being transferred securely to HMRC for eligibility checking and processing of refunds.
2022DIN01-102 Tax-Free Childcare (TFC) Scheme for eligible working parents (Service personnel) has now been published, this includes the application form for the manual process.
Personnel without internal SharePoint access should contact to request a copy of the application form.
October 17, 2022
Universal Credit - Easy Read Guides
There are two new easy read guides available on GOV.UK, ‘Before you apply for Universal Credit’ (UC3ER) and ‘How to apply for Universal Credit’ (UC4ER) – English and Welsh versions.
These easy read guides help people with learning disabilities to understand what Universal Credit (UC) is, who can get UC and how to apply for UC.Carers in the Army - Survey by Army Carers Advocate for SP
To read the full story, click on the link below:
Chester: Mental Health Services in Cheshire West - Find the Right Support for You
Find the right support for you
Information provided by Chester HIVE
October 12, 2022
Wimbish: Evergreen Taekwon-Do at Carver Barracks
Minimasters (3-6 yrs) 4-4:30pm
Please note, for the Minimaster class we ask parents to wait outside, as this age group (3-6 yrs) are easily distracted and in my experience having Mum, Dad or siblings in the room doesn’t always help. Should there be any problems I will be sure to come outside and get you.
Please remember to bring a completed consent form for each child including a signed second page, if sheets are printed separately.
We train in bare feet and ask all students to attend in light clothing, PE kit or similar with any jewellery removed prior to the lesson.
We also ask all students especially those in the junior class to bring their water bottles with them. There is drinking water available at the hall but it‘s always good to be prepared.
I’m excited to see you all there!
Wattisham: Suffolk Family Carers
Did you know that Suffolk Family Carers has got a Military Families Lead what allows tailored support.
October 11, 2022
Chester: Fun Basketball Training For Girls Aged 7+ - Tuesdays - Blacon High School

Team sport is the best opportunity for you to improve your child’s physical, emotional and mental development through play.
What CHESHIRE ROAR has to offer for your children:

Is your child shy and would benefit from a smaller social group with structured practice? Is your child bursting with energy and needs to burn it off? Are you attending other sports clubs but want a change? Does your child need a fresh start and something new? Look no further this progressive development program is for you!
October 10, 2022
Chester: Chester Cathedral - Sunday School/Saturday Singing Club
To find out more about Sunday School please CLICK HERE
To find out more about the Saturday Singing Club please CLICK HERE
Information provided by Chester HIVE
Colchester: Escape Rooms
Colchester: Post Office in Colchester District General Hospital
Scotland: SAMH (Scottish Association for Mental Health) Today is World Mental Health Day 🌍
We all have a role in supporting each other’s mental health, and it’s important we look out for our loved ones every day.
We've put together 12 things to try when someone is struggling 💜
Information provided by Leuchars HIVE
October 7, 2022
Leuchars: Swimtime Scotland
We are delighted to announce a new teacher to our team at the fabulous Clayton's Leisure Club at Clayton's Caravan Park near St Andrews.
Our lessons are catered for all ages from age of 3 up. To book a place on these sought after lessons please go to
Information provided by Leuchars HIVE
Scottish Government: Scottish Veterans Fund is open
A key priority for this year’s Scottish Veterans Fund is to make sure veterans and their families are supported in response to the ongoing cost of living crisis.
The fund will also target support for veterans who have left the Services early, as well as promoting collaboration between both veterans charities and non-veterans organisations.
Kooth and the British Army Regional Command, on behalf of the Ministry of Defence, are working together to provide easy access to mental health and well-being support for children and young people aged from 11 to their 19th birthday. is available for all children and young people with a Serving parent and children and young people who are living overseas with parents working for the MOD or British Government.
October 6, 2022
UK Government Advice on Domestic Abuse Update
The UK Government Website have updated their advice on domestic abuse in the following areas:
Guidance and support for those affected by or dealing with cases of domestic abuse in the Armed Forces Community.
A handbook for civilian support services, designed to help and Informa civilian support services who are working with the Armed Forces:
Support within the foreign and Commonwealth community for those affected by domestic abuse:
Children and young people with a parent Serving in the Armed Forces often face moving from place to place with their family, living overseas, attending several schools, leaving friends behind and making new ones. Being part of an Armed Forces family can also mean long periods of separation from the Serving parent when they are deployed or away training.
Kooth and the British Army Regional Command, on behalf of the Ministry of Defence, are working together to provide easy access to mental health and well-being support for children and young people aged from 11 to their 19th birthday. is available for all children and young people with a Serving parent and children and young people who are living overseas with parents working for the MOD or British Government.
October 5, 2022
Chester: Ballet, Tap, Modern, Contemorary and Musical Theatre Dance Classes
If you would like your child to learn Ballet, Tap, Modern, Contemporary or Musical Theatre you can book a free dance class trial run by North West Dance Studios
For more information or to book a space contact us on 07896412176 or
Information provided by Chester HIVE
Chester: Kung Fu or Kickboxing classes - Wednesdays - Cheshire County Sports Club
Are you or your child thinking of taking up Kung Fu or Kickboxing?
Then BKN Lau Gar Kung Fu & Kickboxing is at The Cheshire County Sports Club every Wednesday.
For more information contact Brian Nelson - see poster for contact details
Information provided by Chester HIVE
Children and young people with a parent Serving in the Armed Forces often face moving from place to place with their family, living overseas, attending several schools, leaving friends behind and making new ones. Being part of an Armed Forces family can also mean long periods of separation from the Serving parent when they are deployed or away training.
Kooth and the British Army Regional Command, on behalf of the Ministry of Defence, are working together to provide easy access to mental health and well-being support for children and young people aged from 11 to their 19th birthday. is available for all children and young people with a Serving parent and children and young people who are living overseas with parents working for the MOD or British Government.
Poulton-Le-Fylde: Girl Guiding
Guidance: Help for service leavers from Defence Transition Services
October 4, 2022
Scotland: Veterans and Benefits Factsheet
It also tells you where to get help and advice with benefits and tax credits if you are a veteran or the family member of a veteran.
To take a look at the factsheet 👉 Veterans and Benefits Factsheet
Information provided by Leuchars HIVE