July 28, 2023

Wiltshire: Explore Wiltshire past and present via the new app

Now it’s summer, it’s a great time to get out and explore your local market town or city, and find out about Wiltshire’s hidden history along the way with our new ‘Explore Wiltshire’ app. It features trails that all the family and visitors can enjoy, and information about historical landmarks, cultural sites and significant events that have helped to shape Wiltshire’s landscape.

The free, easy to use location-aware app includes an introduction from Phil Harding of Wessex Archaeology and a popular member of the former Channel 4 Time Team programme, with historic photos, engravings and information from the archives of the Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre.

So what are you waiting for - download and get exploring now!

Information provided by Colerne & Lyneham HIVE