July 31, 2023

HIVE in action!

Grantham HIVE is feeling very proud to have recently participated in a successful Veterans & Families event, organised by Veterans Support Service CIC.

The engagement work on helping to set this up on our HISO (Cheryl’s) behalf, meant that attendees got to meet and gain advice from a wide range of support agencies. The DWP Armed Forces Champion was in attendance, as well as the local RBL and Women’s section contacts, plus also Connect to Support Lincolnshire.

Please get in touch with us if you would like any further info on the services provided by these agencies – Grantham HIVE’s email address is rc-pers-hive-grantham-0mailbox@mod.gov.uk or please visit our webpage on the Army website for other HIVE details at: www.army.mod.uk/hives