September 19, 2023

Little Troopers free online weekend workshops

Little Troopers has announced new dates for its All Together online series of weekend workshops. Until Christmas, the charity will be running free online sessions for children under ten as part of its All Together deployment club to support military children from all three services.

The workshops are designed to keep children busy with a free, fun activity, especially if they have a parent serving away. They will also be logging on with lots of other little troopers in a similar situation.

All military children are welcome, whether they are living in the UK or overseas. The charity has ensured there is something for everyone from baking to drawing, science, dancing and more!

Families can sign-up here

Most of the events are taking place on Saturday morning with some events happening on Sundays or during half term. Here is the full list:

  • Saturday 23rd September, 10am: CookStars Baking (stuffed crust pizza)
  • Saturday 7th October, 11am: Pineapple Dance Studios
  • Sunday 22nd October, 10am: Art Base drawing
  • Friday 27th October, 10am: Adventures of Sgt Brown and the Mini Marines
  • Saturday 4th November, 10am: ZooLab
  • Saturday 18th November, 10am: Sciencedipity
  • Saturday 2nd December, 10am: Space Detectives
  • Saturday 16th December, 10am: CookStars Baking (stained glass cookies)

The Little Troopers All Together online workshops have been funded by the Veterans Foundation, Greenwich Hospital, HDH Wills, Henry Sale Foundation and The Prince of Wales Charitable Fund.

For more information about Little Troopers All Together and to learn more about other initiatives the charity has in place to support service children, visit

Background information

Little Troopers is a registered charity supporting service children who have parent(s) serving in our British Armed Forces, regular or reserve. These children often face unique challenges including frequent house and school moves, as well as regular periods of separation from their serving parent(s) for varying lengths of time due to exercises, training, operations and other service commitments.

As a charity, Little Troopers ensures our British Armed Forces children and their families have access to child-focused support wherever they are in the world and whatever community they live in. We provide fundamental resources and initiatives to help ease repeated separation periods and keep parent and child connected even when miles apart. We are the only charity in the UK dedicated to celebrating just how special all our Little Troopers out there really are.

For more information visit