Generic and local information for the UK Military community including Serving Personnel, Families, Veterans, and MOD Civilians.
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- TOP: Blog posts by area; subject-specific information sheets; links to HIVE's Social Media, and a map of contact details for our worldwide information centres and their Location Guides.
- LEFT COLUMN: Use the search engine; sign up to receive our weekly email updates, or find information by subject.
- RIGHT COLUMN: Contact HIVE with your specific query.
- CENTRAL SECTION: All the latest posts in date order:
October 31, 2023
October 30, 2023
October 27, 2023
Wiltshire: Worrying about money? Support is available in Wiltshire
Other resources available include:
Wiltshire Council - supporting you through the rising cost of living
Community Food Providers in Wiltshire
Citizens Advice WiltshirePlease note that those living in SFA will not able to utilise all of the support on offer. For example if your heating system is broken or faulty, please contact Pinnacle to report the issue
Information provided by Colerne and Lyneham HIVE's
October 19, 2023
Historic Royal Palaces - £1 tickets for those on Universal Credit or other named benefits
From 21 October 2023, £1 tickets for a day visit to the Tower of London, Hampton Court Palace and Kensington Palace will be available to anyone in receipt of the following:
- Universal Credit
- Working Tax Credit
- Child Tax Credit
- Pension Credit
- Employment and Support Allowance
- Income Support
- Jobseeker’s Allowance
Kirkham: Carr Hill High School Information and video tour
October 18, 2023
Grantham: South Kesteven District Council and the Armed Forces Community Covenant
Armed Forces Community Covenant
The Armed Forces Covenant sets out the relationship between the nation, the Government and the Armed Forces. It recognises that the whole nation has a moral obligation to members of the armed forces and their families, and it establishes how they should expect to be treated.
October 17, 2023
October 15, 2023
October 13, 2023
Shropshire: Shrewsbury Town FC - Free Ticket for Serving Military Personnel

Serving military personnel can be issued with a free ticket for EFL League matches.
Personnel will need a supporter number which can be gained here:-
When applying for the first ticket, Shrewsbury Town FC will need to see the Military ID so it can be added to your account.
It's one ticket per Military ID for each home fixture.
If you have any questions or need to contact the Ticket Office, email or call 01743 273943
Information provided by Lichfield HIVE
October 12, 2023
October 11, 2023
The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust - making positive impacts to Veterans’ mental health and wellbeing
With funding from HM Treasury through the Veterans’ Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund, the One is Too Many programme awarded £2.1M to nine projects across the UK, to organisations with experience in working with individuals who are at increased risk of suicide.
The Trust commissioned the University of Chester to undertake a comprehensive, external evaluation of the programme, which has found that the programme has made a positive difference through the treatments and interventions that have improved mental health and wellbeing, with life-saving implications.
Lichfield: Andysman Club Lichfield Suicide Prevention

Information provided by: Lichfield HIVE
October 10, 2023
GamCare - signs of gambling harm and where to get support
Gambling is very easy to access these days with our phones and multiple options to get involved. This can mean that we spend more of our time and money than we want to or mean to, and it is easy to experience the negative impacts of too much gambling.
GamCare is the leading provider of information, advice and support for anyone affected by gambling harms, and receives over 44,000 calls to the helpline and live chat each year to support people to change their relationship with gambling. There are a range of ways you can be supported - in person, over the phone, or virtually. If you're unsure if your own or someone else's gambling is becoming harmful, we've put together some useful signs to think about.
Scotland: Scotl4nd Kids Magazine Autumn edition
Moray: CAB Moray now have a designated adviser to assist with the cost of living.
Are you struggling with the cost of living? Need a benefit check? Have utility issues? These are only a few things we can assist you with and, if the answer is yes, then drop in and see us during our bureau opening hours. We're here to help.🤝
Information provided by Leuchars HIVE
October 9, 2023
Pinnacle Group - SFA winter tips
Autumn is here and there’s no better time to check your boiler is working correctly:
- The pressure should be between 1 and 1.5
- Amend your thermostat, check the boiler fires up properly and radiators are warming up
Grantham: Grantham Museum
October 6, 2023
Help stop young people falling victims to loan sharks
Recent research has shown that a higher proportion of people in the 18 to 24 year old age bracket are at particular risk of being targeted by loan sharks in the current climate. More young people are having financial services or products refused by mainstream banks and many are being forced to borrow from friends and family to make ends meet.
With this in mind, Stop Loan Sharks want to highlight the services offered by credit unions, producing a new grime music video in conjunction with Find Your Credit Union and Nourish Social in the hope that it will appeal to young people and show them that other options that are available. Click the image below to watch the video online.Service Personnel can also utilise the Joining Forces Credit Unions, supported by the MOD to make saving simple and loans more affordable to the Armed Forces community.
Richmond: New players needed for Richmond Hockey Club
New players needed at Richmond HC for both our mens and ladies teams. Anyone over the age of 13 no matter your ability can come join our teams. Get in touch and join us at our training on Wednesdays 7-8pm - first session free!
Information provided by Catterick HIVE Hub
October 5, 2023
Moray: Netball Volunteers needed
Active Schools are looking for Netball volunteers throughout Moray.
We are on the lookout for local residents that are keen to support the development of netball in Moray. Netball is continuing to grow in Moray with our primary and secondary school netball festivals returning in 2023.
⛹Assisting or Leading netball Sessions.
⛹Assisting at our netball Festival during this academic year.
⛹School based or centralised sessions.
⛹Support friendly matches
We are also working closely with Netball Scotland to get a Coach Education course to Moray in the near future.
✍ For anyone interested in volunteering please follow the link:
Information provided by Leuchars HIVE
October 3, 2023
Armed Forces Pension Scheme - 2015 Remedy updates published
A booklet entitled '2015 PENSION REMEDY: Consultation Response and key details you need to know' has been published today on, and several other guidance documents have also been uploaded recently.
To view these documents, please click HERE