January 18, 2024

New iHIVE poster


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Did you know that contacting iHIVE is listed in the 'key actions to be taken' on the Overseas Location Compatibility Checklist?

For Service Personnel and families moving overseas, the Overseas Location Compatibility Checklist provides an initial list of personal and domestic factors to be considered pre-application for an overseas assignment, to determine the suitability of the overseas location, for the Service person and their immediate/close family.​​

For more information on this, or for any questions you may have on any location worldwide, contact iHIVE via RC-Pers-HIVE-iHIVE-0Mailbox@mod.gov.uk or +44 300 167 6864

You can also find ​the iHIVE Blog at: https://internationalhive.blogspot.com/. This platform hosts worldwide location information, including Overseas Location Guides, to enable Service personnel and their families find out more about a potential or current overseas assignment.

Our iHIVE HIVE Information Support Officer can also answer any questions that you may have, including regarding supportability for any specific in-country family requirements.