April 22, 2024

Fife: A new course for Fife begins on Friday 31st May called Introduction to the Digital Office. Free to anyone living, working, studying or volunteering in Fife

A new course for Fife begins on Friday 31st May called Introduction to the Digital Office. This is a great course for anyone looking for a basic introduction to the modern digital office, including:

Cloud technologies on Microsoft 365
Using MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint on MS 365
Using AI to support you in your role

The course is free to anyone living, working, studying or volunteering in Fife who doesn't have a Nat 5 maths C+ or equivalent. It will run every Friday, 10 am - 12 noon on Zoom with ICT tutor Stephen for six sessions.
Learners can also access learning materials on our virtual learning environment, Canvas.

Enrol  👉 https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx..

Information provided by Leuchars HIVE