If you or someone you know is in need because of sickness, accident, disability, infirmary, poverty, or other adversity please get in touch with us to see how we can help.
Call: 07720677838
Email: udrbenfund@outlook.com
Website: https://www.udrbenevolentfund.com/
*Proof of service required*
Please note external caseworkers, whose knowledge and expertise are of the highest level, will deal with any issue sensitively and confidentially, however as part of a grant application process to the Ben Fund, personal information and supporting documentation will be required.
#UDRBenFund #KeepTheBenFundNumber #Charity #HelpOthers
*Proof of service required*
Please note external caseworkers, whose knowledge and expertise are of the highest level, will deal with any issue sensitively and confidentially, however as part of a grant application process to the Ben Fund, personal information and supporting documentation will be required.
#UDRBenFund #KeepTheBenFundNumber #Charity #HelpOthers
Information provided by HIVE NI