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August 23, 2024

Fife: NHS Fife Update

NHS Fife is acutely aware of the challenges facing dental care in the region. The closure of multiple dental practices by corporate providers has significantly reduced NHS dental availability. They are committed to working with local practices to improve access to NHS dental care within their remit. NHS Fife have identified the areas experiencing the most significant impact, as well as regions with planned housing developments. They have proposed these areas for inclusion in the Scottish Dental Access Initiative to attract new dentists. Several strategies to support oral health in Fife are also being implemented including expanding oral health programs for vulnerable populations, exploring the potential of a mobile dental unit, and enhancing the visibility of our Public Dental Service through social media. Despite the complexities of the situation, NHS Fife remains dedicated to managing the impact of declining NHS dental provision and improving access to care for our communities. For more information about the Scottish Dental Access Initiative please visit:

A new initiative designed to empower women and their birth partners during the labour and birth process has been launched in NHS Fife. Labour Hopscotch empowers women and their partners through guided exercises, relaxation techniques, and coping strategies. Colourful stations resembling a hopscotch board are located across the maternity unit in the Victoria Hospital, each representing activities designed to help improve the birthing experience. For more information please visit:

NHS Fife’s Annual Review will take place on Monday 30 September within the Victoria Hospital’s Education Centre. The agenda of the review is set by Scottish Government and based around national standards and local performance. It will also include a session from 2pm – 3pm where members of the public can ask questions. For more information please visit:

NHS’ ‘Pain Talking’ campaign was given prominent coverage by the BBC this week. Chronic or persistent pain affects around a third of people in Fife and can have a significant impact on quality of life. Pain Talking is designed to improve safety, help people live better, and empower them to take greater control of how they manage pain. For more information please visit:

Information provided by Leuchars HIVE