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August 5, 2024

Stafford: Staffordshire smart alert - Distraction Burglaries


On 4th August between 2000hrs and 2030hrs, a male has been knocking on addresses in Old Road, Barlaston.

The male has said that he need to come in to check the pipes.

Male was described as 5'10" mousey coloured hair wearing casual clothes, possibly with a non local accent.

Remember to stay alert, and should you notice any suspicious activity, please reach out to the Staffordshire Police by dialing 101 for non-emergencies or 999 in case of an emergency.

Below are some tips to help you stay safe.

Don’t allow any stranger in your house unless you have arranged an appointment with one of your suppliers and expect someone to be there.

Call for help if you suspect the visitor.

Check their IDs and verify them with the company before letting somebody into your home.

Lock all the doors and windows.

Hide your valuables.

Often suspects work in pairs and whilst one is distracting the resident the other will search the property.

Ensure your back door is locked when answering your front door .

Information Provided by Stafford HIVE