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November 29, 2024

Families First newsletter - issue 21

Please click images to enlarge

Alternatively to read this and previous issues online, click here

Kinloss: Join AWS and Outfit Moray for a Winter ski trip, Feb 28th to March 2nd 2025

click on image to enlarge
Last few places available. The weekend is aimed at secondary age young people who completely new to sking or have only a little experience. Parental contribution is £30 but participants will be expected to fundraise towards costs. Contact me on if you have a sound person interested.

Information provided by Leuchars HIVE

November 28, 2024

Gosport: Ready Steady Walk - every Monday

Our Ready Steady Walks are free, push-chair friendly, social walking groups for families with very young children living in Hampshire. 

Ready Steady Walk is a good excuse to get out into the fresh air and give you the chance to meet local families in your community. Your local walking group with be led by a Barnardo's volunteer, or your local community health development worker. 

We will meet you in Stanley Park at the entrance in Western Way, Gosport. There is free parking in Western Way, the post code is PO12 2NQ.

Click HERE for more information. 

Information provided by South East HIVE Hub.

Aldershot: Army Welfare Service junior youth club

 Information provided by South East HIVE Hub

Hereford: The out of hours urgent GP Service is moving

 For further information please click here

Information provided by Wales HIVE Hub

Gloucestershire: A new partnership to improve short breaks for families with disabled children and young people


Gloucestershire County Council, Barnwood Trust and Gloucestershire VCS Alliance have announced a new partnership aimed at enhancing inclusive short breaks for families of disabled children and young people.

This new partnership is part of Gloucestershire County Council’s plans to provide families across the county with more choice of inclusive and engaging short breaks for disabled children and young people. It will complement the council’s existing county-wide offer and boost support for families.

Please click here to read more

Information provided by Lyneham HIVEs

NHS 'Help Us, Help You' - think pharmacy first


Community pharmacies can offer treatment and when appropriate some prescription medicine, for seven common conditions without patients needing to see a GP, as part of a major transformation in the way the NHS delivers care.

Highly trained pharmacists at more than nine in ten pharmacies can now assess, treat, and when appropriate, provide some prescription medicine for earache (for those aged between 1 and 17), impetigo, infected insect bites, shingles, sinusitis, sore throat, urinary tract infections (UTIs) for women aged 16-64 - without the need for a GP appointment.

Available at the heart of local communities, community pharmacy teams have the right clinical training to give people the health advice they need, with no appointment necessary and private consultations available. Community pharmacists will signpost patients to other local services where necessary.

By expanding the services community pharmacies offer, the NHS is aiming to help free up GP appointments and give people more choice in how and where they access care.
Don't wait for minor health concerns to get worse – think pharmacy first and get seen by your local pharmacy team.

For more information, visit

Service Prosecuting Authority welcomes HMCPSI inspection report


“We hope this report will reassure the public, members of the Armed Forces, and the Defence community that the SPA is performing well and making a meaningful contribution to Service Justice” – Director of Service Prosecutions, Jonathan Rees KC reflects on the publication of an inspection report on the Service Prosecuting Authority (SPA).​

To view more about the Service Prosecuting Authority, and additional information on this report, please go to: Service Prosecuting Authority - GOV.UK

North Wiltshire & Gloucestershire: Upcoming Vivo housing surgeries

MOD Corsham - Community Centre
  • Wed 4 Dec
  • 1000-1200

South Cerney - Community Centre
  • Wed 11 Dec
  • 1230-1330

South Cerney - Community Centre
  • Wed 8 Jan
  • 1230-1330

MOD Lyneham - Community Centre
  • Thu 9 Jan
  • 0900-1100

Hullavington - Community Centre
    • Wed 29 Jan
    • 1000-1200

    Colerne - Community Centre
    • Thu 30 Jan
    • 1000-1200

    Innsworth - Community Centre
    • Fri 31 Jan
    • 1000-1200

    Please note that Pinnacle reps also attend some of these surgeries with Vivo.

    Information provided by Colerne & Lyneham HIVE's

    Hereford: Hereford Cathedral - Cathedral Seedlings toddler group

    Thursdays in term time, 10 – 11.30 am

    Calling all toddlers and their grown-ups - join us to play and pray in the Old Chapel - Hereford Cathedral. Listen to a Bible story, take part in a craft activity and have fun in our weekly drop-in. To add to the experience, refreshments, delicious cakes and healthy snacks for children will be provided by Hereford Cathedral Café.

    Suitable for toddlers between the ages of 1-3 years and younger siblings are welcome.

    Toddler Group is free to attend but children must be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times.

    Information provided by Wales HIVE Hub

    Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) bulk recruitment - London and Essex


    The Department of Work and Pensions has 130 new Executive Officer work coach opportunities in London and Essex. These are now open for applications until 12th Dec 2024.

    ​Civil Service Jobs link: Universal Credit Job Centre - Work Coach – London and Essex (Ref: 720) - Civil Service Jobs - GOV.UK

    More information can be found on the DWP EO Microsite

    November 27, 2024

    Wiltshire: 16 Days of Action against domestic abuse campaign


    Do you know the signs of domestic abuse and stalking? What would you do if you were concerned that you, or someone you know is a victim?

    The national campaign ‘16 Days of Action’ started on Monday 25 November and this year Wiltshire and Swindon are raising awareness of domestic abuse and stalking and how people can help if they think something isn’t right.

    Wiltshire Council, Swindon Borough Council, Wiltshire Police, Office of Police and Crime Commissioner, Wiltshire’s commissioned domestic abuse support service, FearFree, Swindon’s commissioned domestic abuse support service, Swindon Paragon Domestic Abuse Service and charity Swindon Women’s Aid are all participating.

    The organisations involved will be sharing information and case studies on social media on what people can do if they are concerned that they, or someone they know is a victim of domestic abuse or stalking.

    Events are also taking place across the county including a White Ribbon event in Swindon on 25 November to raise awareness of violence against women and girls, and information stands at Chippenham and Swindon Christmas markets.

    Click here to read more about the campaign in Wiltshire and Swindon

    People who are experiencing domestic abuse can contact:

    FearFree call 01225 775276 or email
    Out of hours helpline 01225 712880

    Swindon Paragon Integrated Domestic Abuse Service 24 Hour Helpline call 01793 610610

    Information provided by Colerne and Lyneham HIVEs

    Fylde Coast Women's Aid

    Visit our website for more Information.

    Information provided by Preston & Weeton HIVE

    Kirkham: AFC Fylde Community Foundation - Girls Football Development Centre

     Information provided by Preston & Weeton HIVE

    Bridgend: Autism Discovery Sessions, first Tue of every month, at Jump Jam, Bridgend

    Inclusive Sessions For Individuals with Additional Needs:

    Where: Jump Jam, Unit 2, Horsefair Road, Waterton Industrial Estate, Bridgend CF31 3YN

    When: First Tuesday of every month 4pm - 5pm *(Excluding School Holidays) 

    Cost: £11.50

    The entire park is reserved for guests with autism and other additional needs along with their families and carers. Every guest can be accompanied by one family member or carer free of charge. Their sound system is turned down low and their flash lighting is turned off. The capacity of the arena is reduced to a limited amount of jumpers for this hour.

    Contact Information: | 01656 253161

    Information provided by Wales HIVE Hub. 

    Gloucestershire: GDASS 16 Days of Action

    16 Days of Action is a yearly campaign to raise awareness of domestic violence and encourage collective action to work towards its elimination. It runs from 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, to 10 December, Human Rights Day.

    Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse Support Service's (GDASS) calendar of events, shared on behalf of the Domestic Abuse Local Partnership Board, can be found here. These events are free and available for anyone to attend.

    Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse Support Service (GDASS)
    GDASS is a free and confidential service countywide support for anyone who has experienced or is experiencing domestic abuse (aged 16+).

    01452 726 570 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm)

    Information provided by Lyneham HIVE

    West Sussex : Breakeven Introduction and Armed Forces Gambling Support Network Information


    Information Provided by South East HIVE Hub

    Brecon: Happy Feet Runners - On Mondays & Thursdays

    Click to enlarge.
    Event Details:

    Have you been running from your health? Run alongside it, with Brecon Athletic Club's Happy Feet Runners. Whether a beginner or experienced in running, the course is aimed to keep a safe and welcoming space for all, with the assistance of licensed Welsh Athletics Running Fitness Coaches.

    Enrolment Fee: £20.00 (also provides Associate Membership to Brecon Athletic Club)

    Register your interest by contacting:

    Information provided by Wales HIVE Hub.

    November 26, 2024

    RBLI LifeWorks - Employment Course for Families

    Click to enlarge.

    Lifeworks Families (LWF) is an employability skills course that aims to help you find the right job for you, and having found it, to be able to get it!

    We do this by firstly evaluating our situation, and then how to plan to get after our goals. This leads into what we need to do, and why we need to follow certain ‘rules,’ as well as how to make all that work to increase the chances we get what we want.

    We cover so much more than how to write a CV, including a 5-course programme leading directly to nationally recognised qualifications. The 4 days are designed to work together as a whole rather than as individual sessions. Our qualifications package will provide you with a grounding in one of three career areas and provide a framework for your 12-month ‘Forward Assist’ period following the course.

    Accommodation: Online e1132 password process change on 9th Dec 2024

    Online e1132 password process change

    The password process for the online e1132 system is changing on Monday 9 December 2024.

    To ensure your online details are kept as securely as possible, we are changing the way we record, store and provide users with their details (when requested).

    All users of the online e1132 system will need to reset their own passwords the next time they login to the system. Once the reset is completed, the user's new chosen password will remain unchanged until the user chooses to change it. There is no deadline for users to change their password, the change is only triggered the next time they go to login into the e1132 system.

    Before the change on Monday 9 December, we encourage users to log into their e1132 accounts to check that the email address linked to their account is valid.

    Leconfield: AWS Junior Youth Club - Tuesdays 5:30-7pm


    Information provided by Leconfield HIVE

    November 25, 2024

    Aldershot: Home Start wellbeing group Mondays 1000 - 1130hrs

    Information provided by South East HIVE Hub

    Aldershot: RHL HOW ARE YOU TODAY


    Information provided by South East HIVE Hub

    Wiltshire, Gloucestershire & Oxfordshire: Roadworks and how to set up alerts from ''


    Please note the following info has been provided by Wiltshire Council but also applies to the Gloucestershire and Oxfordshire areas is a great way for you to find out more about any current or upcoming roadworks in your area. You can sign-up to receive automatic email alerts that will notify you of any roadworks, temporary issues on the network and upcoming work.

    The Traffic and Network Management Team coordinates and manages all roadworks on the Wiltshire network, with more than 24,000 applications for work each year. To manage this huge volume of activities, the council publishes all planned works on

    To help you to use, please see the following guides:

    Email alerts provide information about works commencing within the selected timeframe. Daily alerts will provide information for works commencing tomorrow, weekly alerts will provide information for works commencing in the following week and monthly alerts will provide information for works commencing in the following month.

    Please note do not manage permits on the A36, A303 or M4. These are published by National Highways and so we do not have any control over this information.

    Information provided by Colerne & Lyneham HIVEs

    Army's Guide for Care Leavers

    The Directorate of Personnel in Army HQ have released a new Guide for Care Leavers, which will help both Care Leavers and their managers access the appropriate support. You can find it on the Pers Pol Conditions Defence Connect page at

    DWP Vacancies: 80 New Executive Officer Work Coach Opportunities in NE England and Yorkshire

    The Department of Work and Pensions has 80 new Executive Officer work coach opportunities in the North East of England and Yorkshire. These are now open for applications until 5th Dec 2024.

    Civil Service job links : Universal Credit Job Centre - Work Coach - North East England and Yorkshire (Ref: 719) - Civil Service Jobs - GOV.UK

    More information can be found on the DWP EO Microsite.

    Empowering You Workshop, Glasgow 27th-29th Jan 2025

    Empowering You is brought to you by the Forces Employment Charity, from Monday, 27 January, to Wednesday, 29 January 2025.

    This is a hybrid three-day employability and confidence-building workshop with in-person components hosted in Glasgow.

    It is for military women, spouses, and partners, including those who are separated, divorced, or bereaved. Please note military spouses and partners of any gender may attend.

    Hear about local job opportunities and get a free one-to-one mentoring sessions with a corporate mentor!

    November 22, 2024

    Gloucestershire: Employment and skills online hub


    Gloucestershire County Council has worked to develop a central source of information around skills and employment. This hub includes access to specialist employment advisers who will work with you, our residents, on your needs, whether that be finding you the right information or linking you with an organisation.

    A tailored package and ongoing support will be made available to you whether you need training, a new career, advice, support, an apprenticeship and even more. The only criteria to access the service is to be a Gloucestershire resident.

    Please click here to find out more

    Information provided by Lyneham HIVE

    Wiltshire: Would you like to train as a Breastfeeding Peer Support Volunteer?


    Would you like to train as a Breastfeeding Peer Support Volunteer?

    The Wiltshire Council Family Hub team are promoting the above opportunity.

    Find out more about this flexible and free training by contacting or

    Information provided by Colerne & Lyneham HIVEs

    Gloucestershire: Multiple roles available with Gloucestershire County Council


    Gloucestershire County Council have a variety of different roles in administration, finance, communications, highways, IT, project management, tutoring and job coaching, in various locations across Gloucestershire.

    Click here to find out more about these temporary roles

    Looking for something else?

    You can also find permanent, fixed term and apprenticeship roles on the website, with jobs available in Gloucester, Cirencester, Tewkesbury and beyond.

    Click here to see these available roles

    Information provided by Lyneham HIVE

    North Wiltshire: Latest vacancies from Spurgeons Children's Charity


    The Children's Charity Spurgeons, who run the Family Hubs on behalf of Wiltshire Council, are currently hiring for the following positions:

    Family Hub Practitioner
    Home-based with travel across North Wiltshire
    Closing date Sun 24th Nov

    Admin Navigator
    Based in Chippenham
    Closing date Sun 1st Dec

    Family Navigator
    Home-based with travel across North Wiltshire
    Closing date Sun 8th Dec

    Click here to find out more about Wiltshire Family Hub's

    Information provided by Colerne & Lyneham HIVEs

    Chester: AWS Youth Club and Stay & Play sessions

    Information provided by Preston & Weeton HIVE

    Scotland: Enquire pre recorded Q&A for parents about school placements for children with additional support needs

    We know that around this time of year many of the families we come in contact with are considering their options for schooling next year.

    If you are hoping to make a placing request for your child to attend a school other than your local authority or catchment school, you might find this pre-recorded Q&A useful.

    In it, some of the Enquire team talk through how school placement works and how to make a school placement request. They also answer questions around some specifics circumstances, offering tailored advice to real-life situations.

    Watch or save for later:

    Information provided by Leuchars HIVE

    November 21, 2024

    Richmond: RAF Cadets 240 (Richmond) Squadron needs Adult Volunteers

    RAF Cadets: 2040 (Richmond) Squadron need adult volunteers.

    An RAF Cadet Squadron based at Richmond School, urgently need adult volunteers.
    The group has become increasingly popular since Flying Officer Keith Hildred, took the reins last year. There are now 50 young people on the books, with enquiries for new starters filling his inbox on a weekly basis.

    However, the squadron needs more adults, including parents and carers, to come forward and volunteer to help keep parade nights running smoothly.
    There are several positions up for grabs, such as Cadet Instructor, and Civilian Committee Member. Full training is given, and a DBS check is paid for.

    The benefits of volunteering are immeasurable for the cadets and the adults. Supporting our young people to get involved in the activities is incredibly rewarding. Watching the children develop their skills, gain confidence and make new friends is very uplifting.

    Hereford: Single Parents Catch-up & Brew

     Information provided by Wales HIVE Hub

    Hereford: Herefordshire Veterans Support Centre

     Information provided by Wales HIVE Hub

    Catterick: Beamish Tickets available to use for Serving Personnel and Families

     Contact for availablity

    Information provided by North HIVE Hub

    Catterick: Community Hub Programme

    New Armed Forces Carer’s Passports are introduced

    Carer’s passports are well established and widely used across many organisations throughout the UK, including the Civil Service, and have proven to be an invaluable resource for employees with caregiving responsibilities. They are now available for our Armed Forces.

    It can be especially hard to balance a career in the Armed Forces alongside caring responsibilities, but the Ministry of Defence (MOD) is dedicated to support those who do.

    Introducing the Armed Forces Carer’s Passport

    The MOD has launched the Armed Forces Carer’s Passport, a practical and effective tool to help carers in managing their responsibilities. The passport ensures that when carers move between roles or experience a change in manager, they do not have to renegotiate the necessary arrangements from scratch. By documenting required flexibilities, the passport provides continuity and support, reducing unnecessary disruptions for both the carer and the MOD.

    The passport acknowledges that operational needs will always remain the priority. However, it ensures that the carer’s circumstances are formally considered, fostering an environment where personnel feel empowered to discuss their care-giving challenges, how these might impact their work responsibilities and feel supported in their dual roles by promoting openness and mutual understanding.

    Winchester - Home-Start Family Groups

    Information provided by South East HIVE Hub

    November 20, 2024