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Generic and local information for the UK Military community including Serving Personnel, Families, Veterans, and MOD Civilians.
This is best viewed through a personal device because the MODnet firewall may prevent access to some links.
Ready Steady Walk is a good excuse to get out into the fresh air and give you the chance to meet local families in your community. Your local walking group with be led by a Barnardo's volunteer, or your local community health development worker.
We will meet you in Stanley Park at the entrance in Western Way, Gosport. There is free parking in Western Way, the post code is PO12 2NQ.
Click HERE for more information.
Information provided by South East HIVE Hub.
Information provided by Lyneham HIVEs
Visit our website for more Information.
Information provided by Preston & Weeton HIVE
Inclusive Sessions For Individuals with Additional Needs:
Where: Jump Jam, Unit 2, Horsefair Road, Waterton Industrial Estate, Bridgend CF31 3YN
When: First Tuesday of every month 4pm - 5pm *(Excluding School Holidays)
Cost: £11.50
The entire park is reserved for guests with autism and other additional needs along with their families and carers. Every guest can be accompanied by one family member or carer free of charge. Their sound system is turned down low and their flash lighting is turned off. The capacity of the arena is reduced to a limited amount of jumpers for this hour.
Contact Information: | 01656 253161
Information provided by Wales HIVE Hub.
Click to enlarge.
Lifeworks Families (LWF) is an employability skills course that aims to help you find the right job for you, and having found it, to be able to get it!
We do this by firstly evaluating our situation, and then how to plan to get after our goals. This leads into what we need to do, and why we need to follow certain ‘rules,’ as well as how to make all that work to increase the chances we get what we want.
Online e1132 password process change
The password process for the online e1132 system is changing on Monday 9 December 2024.
To ensure your online details are kept as securely as possible, we are changing the way we record, store and provide users with their details (when requested).
All users of the online e1132 system will need to reset their own passwords the next time they login to the system. Once the reset is completed, the user's new chosen password will remain unchanged until the user chooses to change it. There is no deadline for users to change their password, the change is only triggered the next time they go to login into the e1132 system.
Before the change on Monday 9 December, we encourage users to log into their e1132 accounts to check that the email address linked to their account is valid.
Information provided by Colerne & Lyneham HIVEs
The Directorate of Personnel in Army HQ have released a new Guide for Care Leavers, which will help both Care Leavers and their managers access the appropriate support. You can find it on the Pers Pol Conditions Defence Connect page at
Information provided by Lyneham HIVE
Click here to find out more about these temporary roles
Looking for something else?
You can also find permanent, fixed term and apprenticeship roles on the website, with jobs available in Gloucester, Cirencester, Tewkesbury and beyond.
Click here to see these available roles
Information provided by Lyneham HIVE
The Children's Charity Spurgeons, who run the Family Hubs on behalf of Wiltshire Council, are currently hiring for the following positions:
Family Hub Practitioner
Home-based with travel across North Wiltshire
Closing date Sun 24th Nov
Admin Navigator
Based in Chippenham
Closing date Sun 1st Dec
Family Navigator
Home-based with travel across North Wiltshire
Closing date Sun 8th Dec
Click here to find out more about Wiltshire Family Hub's
Information provided by Colerne & Lyneham HIVEs
Information provided by Leuchars HIVE
Carer’s passports are well established and widely used across many organisations throughout the UK, including the Civil Service, and have proven to be an invaluable resource for employees with caregiving responsibilities. They are now available for our Armed Forces.
It can be especially hard to balance a career in the Armed Forces alongside caring responsibilities, but the Ministry of Defence (MOD) is dedicated to support those who do.
Introducing the Armed Forces Carer’s Passport
The MOD has launched the Armed Forces Carer’s Passport, a practical and effective tool to help carers in managing their responsibilities. The passport ensures that when carers move between roles or experience a change in manager, they do not have to renegotiate the necessary arrangements from scratch. By documenting required flexibilities, the passport provides continuity and support, reducing unnecessary disruptions for both the carer and the MOD.
The passport acknowledges that operational needs will always remain the priority. However, it ensures that the carer’s circumstances are formally considered, fostering an environment where personnel feel empowered to discuss their care-giving challenges, how these might impact their work responsibilities and feel supported in their dual roles by promoting openness and mutual understanding.