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February 12, 2025

Stafford: Staffordshire smart alert - Your council tax 2025-26

Your council tax 2025-26

A council tax increase of £19 per annum across Police and Fire & Rescue has been confirmed by the Police, Fire & Crime Panel.

At meetings taking place on 3 and 10 February, the Panel approved the following increases:
5.12% increase for Police & Crime (an extra £14 per year for a band D property)
5.8% increase for Fire & Rescue (an extra £5 per year for a band D property)

Staffordshire Commissioner for Police, Fire & Rescue and Crime Ben Adams said: “I know from my council tax consultation that residents want their services to keep improving, to further increase officer numbers and to evolve so they can address local priorities such as vehicle crime, rural crime and ASB, and work with other agencies to keep people safe. Regrettably, next year, central government grants will not cover increases in pay, national insurance and inflation – cutting total funding in cash terms.

“I am acutely aware that household budgets are tight. Nevertheless, to protect the progress both services have made, limit the impact on service levels and to continue to prepare for an uncertain future, I need to increase the council tax precepts for both services by the maximum allowable.

“Together, they should put Staffordshire Police and Staffordshire Fire & Rescue in the best possible position to continue to keep us safe.”

To watch the latest Panel meeting, visit: Agenda for Staffordshire Police, Fire and Crime Panel on Monday 10th February 2025, 10:00am - Staffordshire County Council

Information provided by Stafford HIVE