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April 9, 2024

Folkestone: Armed Forces Veterans Support Group at the Folkestone Nepalese Community Centre on the 2nd Thursday of Each Month


Information provided by Chatham HIVE

Stress Awareness Month - It's tempting to just not think about debt

It's tempting to just not think about debt - it can be uncomfortable and can make you feel guilty, depressed, stressed - or even hopeless.
But sorting money problems out can help you to feel better - and stay well.

Calne: Weekly babysitting courses for ages 14+


Click here to visit the Wiltshire First Aid website

Information provided by Colerne & Lyneham HIVE's

April 8, 2024

Dreghorn: Movie Monday, every Monday in the 3 Rifles Community Centre at 1800

click on images to enlarge

Information provided by Leuchars HIVE

DIO Accommodation - stakeholder briefing


IDEAL Customer Safety Notice

A safety recall has been issued by IDEAL regarding their Heating Logic 2 gas combi & system boiler range. Around 1,700 homes have this type of boiler installed. Impacted families have been issued a letter and FAQ document informing them of the issue and the next steps to resolve this.

Families are still able to use the boilers, however, IDEAL advise families to repressurise their boiler and ensure they register their details for an upgrade. Instructions on how to do this, can be found on IDEAL's website:

Serve and Protect's new Cash ISA


Introducing Serve and Protect Credit Union's new Fixed Cash ISA account! ๐Ÿ’ผ๐Ÿ’ฐ

The account offers a guaranteed tax-free return of 4% AER for the 2024/25 tax year so it could be a great opportunity for you to grow your savings.

​Learn more at

West Midlands: Family Hubs Birmingham

 Find out more๐Ÿ‘‰HERE

Information provided by: Central HIVE Hub

Stress Awareness Month - Ready to conquer stress and worry?

This Stress Awareness Month, take charge of your mental well-being with @Togetherall's self-help course 'Managing Stress & Worry'. 

Join the empowering community and equip yourself with the tools to thrive.

Let's turn stress into strength, together join today at

April 7, 2024

Stress Awareness Month - Stress affects the way you think, feel and behave

Stress affects the way you think, feel and behave and can impact on your partner and your relationship - creating a vicious circle.

April 5, 2024

Richmondshire: Looking for Career Advice? Ask Abby at one of our Libraries

Catterick Library 1430 - 1630 hrs
Mon 8th and 22nd April
Mon 3rd and 17th June

Colburn Library  1000 - 1200 hrs
Fri 24th May 

If you're looking for career advice, keen to learn more, or just want some guidance, Ask Abby!

Pop into one of our libraries where Abby from Adult Learning North Yorkshire can help, they offer a range of courses which might be helpful for you.

Information provided by North HIVE Hub