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February 10, 2025

Bovington: Garrison medical centre & local NHS Doctors update


Service Personnel only

The centre is open 
Mon, Tues & Thurs 0800 - 1630
Wed & Fri 0800-1230 
Closed weekends
Contact reception on 01929 403474
E-consult services 

Spouses/Partners & children

Register with NHS medical services in Wool village or Bere Regis (nr Bovington)

Wellbridge Practice. 
Meadow Lane, Wool BH20 6DR - 01929 462376
New patients can register online HERE

Bere Regis Surgery.  
Manor Farm Road BH20 7HB - 01929 471268
New patients can register online HERE

The way you access NHS GP appointments at the Wellbridge Practice has changed to Total Triage. A model which is successful across the country.

We will be using an online form that will be triaged by a GP. The GP will then decide when or who to allocate that appointment request to according to medical need.

Our reception team will no longer be able to offer you an appointment with a Doctor.

There will be no more scramble on the phone lines at 8.30am to get an appointment.

This is only requests for GP appointments, there is no change to how you currently seek a nurse or HCA appointment.

Information provided by Bovington HIVE

To find out more about Total Triage. 

Total Triage Q&A

Why are we doing this?

It is evident to all that we cannot meet the demand for GP appointments. The current system is extremely unfair and benefits those who get through on the telephone lines first. Sometimes appointments are being made that are better suited to another health care professional and not a GP. Having a GP triage a request in the first instance means the request will be judged on clinical need and urgency which is something our reception team cannot do. Depending on urgency we will aim to respond within 2 working days but hope the majority can be responded to the same day.

Can I request which GP I see?

Yes, it would make sense to keep continuity of care where possible, but it may not always be needed. We will do our best to facilitate this, but it may be a case of you need to be seen before your preferred GP is in or that it is more suited be dealt with by another member of the team.

What if I don’t have access to the internet or can’t do the form?

A relative or friend can assist you or complete it on your behalf but if this is not possible you can still phone our reception team and they will complete the form for you whilst on the phone.

How does this benefit me?

We hope it puts an end to the long queues on the telephone and that those who genuinely need an appointment with a GP are seen in a timely manner.

Is this available 24 hours a day?

No. We are not a 24/7 service so it will be available only during certain times. The duty Doctor will need admin time to ensure all requests are seen before the end of morning or afternoon surgery. This is so no urgent requests are missed or left. The system will be operational between 8.30 am and 12pm and also 2pm to 4pm Monday to Friday.

What if I have an emergency outside of these times?

If you are experiencing an emergency situation you should always call 999.

Does this benefit the surgery?

Yes, it allows us to manage and see our demand in a better way plus we will be using a triage tool which is imbedded in our clinical system.