The sessions are every Wednesday from 10am - 11.30am
Booking is essential:
Information provided by Wales HIVE Hub.
Generic and local information for the UK Military community including Serving Personnel, Families, Veterans, and MOD Civilians.
This is best viewed through a personal device because the MODnet firewall may prevent access to some links.
Click HERE to view a list of cycle tours.
Information provided by: Central HIVE Hub
Running fortnightly at Catterick Library, we'll be hosting sessions with stories and crafts designed to support families with a family member currently deployed.
This week's session will take place on Saturday 10am - 11am and is aimed at children aged 2 - 5 years old. Please book your space!
Information provided by North HIVE Hub
The SHERMAN campaign highlights seven factors that put people at greater risk of having a fire, or being less likely to react to a fire:
SmokingA fun interactive app that motivates parents and children to be active in their local area. Support children in reaching their daily 60 active minutes.
Interested in signing up for the Street Tag programme? Send an email to:
Information provided by Grantham HIVE
Information provided by Chatham HIVE
Please click image to enlarge
Alternatively visit the Lyneham Village Hall Facebook page to stay up to date with what's on!
Information provided by Lyneham HIVE
Click here to keep up to date with what's on the at the New Village Hall
Information provided by Colerne HIVE