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August 30, 2024

Wiltshire: Free online Hope Programme for parents of autistic children


Are you a parent of an autistic child?

Would you like to cope better, feel more in control of your emotions and be more resilient?

Hope aims to teach you how to become more relaxed, improve your confidence in setting positive goals, learn stress and fatigue management skills and explore any worries you experience.

Please click here for further information

Information provided by Colerne & Lyneham HIVE's

Gloucestershire: Free bus travel for Veterans seeking employment

The initiative has been introduced by Gloucestershire County Council in partnership with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and Jobcentre Plus.

The County Council has produced and funded the travel cards, while Jobcentre Plus establishments in the county will issue them.

The initiative was launched at the Veterans Café in Gloucester, which was set up earlier this year with the support of the county council. The café is based at the Soldiers of Gloucestershire Museum and provides a space for serving Armed Forces personnel, veterans and their families to gather, socialise and support each other.

The motion said that the Council wanted to take steps to make a positive difference to the lives of veterans in our County, in recognition of their service.

The travel card will be available to veterans over aged 16 who are claiming Universal Credit or receiving a DWP benefit in Gloucestershire. It will entitle them to free bus travel throughout Gloucestershire.

Each card can be used for 50 single free trips and even if a veteran gains employment before the trips on the card run out, they can continue to use it. If the veteran if still seeking employment after the card runs out, they will be issued with a new card.

Please click here to read more

Information provided by Lyneham HIVE

North Wiltshire: Local bus links


Please note that some timetables may change in September:

Further journeys can be found at the Connecting Wiltshire website

Information provided by Colerne & Lyneham HIVE's

August 29, 2024

New MOD booklet 'benefits and support for Reserve families'


Today, Defence launches a new booklet for Reservists, and their families, on the benefits and support available. This includes financial discounts, healthcare, and career support.

Did you know that of the 190,170 total serving military personnel in the British Armed Forces, 18% of them are Reservists? This means that the Reserve Forces make up approximately one sixth of Armed Forces personnel.

Reservists make a critical contribution in the Armed Forces and are integral to protecting the nation’s security at home and overseas. Keep reading to find out more about what Reservists do, and how they make a positive impact in the Armed forces.

Do you know what support and benefits are available?

Today, Defence has published a new booklet outlining key benefits, services, and support for Reservists and their families. This includes:

  • Healthcare, including mental health and welfare support.
  • Information and support services.
  • Military and financial discounts, childcare, and other family friendly policies.
  • Career and employment support. For more information, read Defence’s recently published booklet on GOV.UK.

August 28, 2024

Serve & Protect financial webinars and episode 5 of the 'Smile and Save' podcast

September Webinars

Free financial webinars this September from Serve and Protect - don't miss out!
  • Managing the Cost of Living
  • Domestic Violence - The Financial Impact
  • Budgeting & Spending
  • Understanding Wills and LPAs
  • Boost Your Credit Score
  • What Lenders Look For

Episode 5 of the Smile and Save Podcast is here, brought to you by Serve and Protect’s Jon who shares learnings from his almost 37 years’ experience in the RAF. 
Discover some tips and things to think about when transitioning to civilian life Watch here:

Lichfield: New Health Visitor Drop-in Clinic at Tesco Community Room

Information provided by: Central HIVE Hub


August 27, 2024

Moray: Active Schools are looking for volunteers

click on images to enlarge

Hereford: Centre Stage - Free drama group for neurodivergent 16 - 25 year olds

 Information provided by Wales HIVE Hub

Wiltshire: Upcoming ESOL courses from Wiltshire Family & Community Learning Team


Scotland: Neighbourhood Watch Scotland

click on image to enlarge

Information provided by Leuchars HIVE

Scotland: QR codes on meters in council-owned car parks - Trading Standards Scotland

Criminals are sticking their own QR codes on top of legitimate ones on meters in council-owned car parks

Rather than scanning QR codes it's safest to pay using an official app downloaded from your smartphone’s app store, or cash/card if possible


Information provided by Leuchars HIVE

Lichfield: AWS CS Afterschool Skills Club - Key Stage 2 and over (school year 3 and up) starting 9 September

 Information provided by Central HIVE Hub

August 23, 2024

The Whispering Wind installation for those who have experienced pregnancy, baby or child loss

Reservations for windmills for our Whispering Wind event in October (9th-15th Oct 2024 at the Defence Academy of the UK at Shrivenham), are still open, but not for long.

So if you or someone you know has experienced pregnancy, baby or child loss, and would like to honour their child's memory through our event, please send them our way. Reservation forms can be requested via DM or emailing

Windmills are free of charge to families, will be personalised and sent out to families once our Baby Loss Awareness Week event has come to a close.

Thank you to everyone who has sent us messages about their loved ones so far, your strength continues to amaze us and we feel honoured you have chosen to share their memory with us for this event. ​

Fife: NHS Fife Update

NHS Fife is acutely aware of the challenges facing dental care in the region. The closure of multiple dental practices by corporate providers has significantly reduced NHS dental availability. They are committed to working with local practices to improve access to NHS dental care within their remit. NHS Fife have identified the areas experiencing the most significant impact, as well as regions with planned housing developments. They have proposed these areas for inclusion in the Scottish Dental Access Initiative to attract new dentists. Several strategies to support oral health in Fife are also being implemented including expanding oral health programs for vulnerable populations, exploring the potential of a mobile dental unit, and enhancing the visibility of our Public Dental Service through social media. Despite the complexities of the situation, NHS Fife remains dedicated to managing the impact of declining NHS dental provision and improving access to care for our communities. For more information about the Scottish Dental Access Initiative please visit:

August 22, 2024

Togetherall - how to manage feelings of loneliness and isolation


Is loneliness the new normal? With our means of connection changing over the last few years, we can all find ourselves feeling lonely at times.

Check out this blog by @Togetherall's Chief Clinical Officer, Ben Locke, PHD., where he provides his tips for dealing with feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Togetherall is FREE to anyone in the UK Military, Veterans & Family members aged 16+​

August 21, 2024

Catterick: Banana Moon Nursery 5% off for New Military Parents

Is your child eligible for funding from September 2024?

Apply at

Come along and meet our dedicated and experienced team, look around our homely environments and let us tell you about our Early Learning Development Programme, which is play-based.

We have limited spaces available, and we have a waiting list for some days. So don't delay; book a show today, or if you would like more information, please get in touch with us on 01748 876653 or email

 Information provided by North HIVE Hub

Hereford: Herefordshire Growth Hub business support surgeries

Herefordshire Growth Hub business support surgeries take place across Herefordshire.

Receive free impartial business support, information, advice & guidance to help your business succeed.

Book a 45 minute slot with an adviser

Information provided by Wales HIVE Hub.

August 20, 2024

Dorset: Library Services Wool Village nr Bovington


We are open:
Tuesday 3.00pm - 5.00pm,
Wednesday 3.00pm - 5.00pm
Thursday 10.00am - 12 Noon
Saturday 10.00am - 12 Noon

Any queries please phone the library during opening hours on 01929 405259.

If you find it difficult to get to the library, we can arrange for books to be delivered to your home free, at regular intervals.
We work with the Royal Voluntary Service to provide this. Large print books and audio books are available. Visits are usually every three weeks and all volunteers carry identity cards.

Click HERE for full services at Wool Library
Wool Community Library, D'Urbeville Centre, Colliers Lane, Wool, BH20 6DL

Information provided by Bovington HIVE

Lyneham: MOD Lyneham Chaplaincy Team

Please click image to enlarge

Information provided by Lyneham HIVE

Defence Children Services (DCS) - potential delays for Education Advisory Team (UK) responses

Defence Children Services (DCS) have advised that there may be a delay in responses to enquiries, guidance requests and casework due to current staff shortages. A letter has been provided which explains further, and gives details on potential timelines for service delivery. To read the letter please click HERE.

For further information on DCS and EAT(UK) please visit ​  

Glencorse: Army Welfare Service, Reading Force book club in the Community Centre

You asked we listened 🎉🎉our survey came back asking for more adult led groups. Evening groups for those working and not just for those with kids. This group is open to all, a chance to meet new people and get out for a couple of hours.

We have teamed up with reading force but even if reading isn't or hasn’t been your thing, why not join us and see where the group goes 🕮 🎧 audible options are available .

Refreshments will be provided.

Looking to start end of September beginning of October and will meet in person once a month in CC in the evening (unless during the day works better for you) also their will be a what’s app group to keep in touch and discuss in between.

Please drop me an email of your want more info.

Information provided by Leuchars HIVE

Scotland: When will Carer Support Payment be available in my area?

Carer Support Payment is available in

Perth and Kinross
Dundee City
The Western Isles
North and South Lanarkshire
Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire
North, East and South Ayrshire

The payment will be available across Scotland in November.

Information provided by Leuchars HIVE

August 14, 2024

Soldier magazine - Army HIVE article 'Stuck on Camp'

Click on image to enlarge

The August edition of Soldier Magazine features an article on HIVE's support to those staying behind on camp, either on 'rear party' or due to choosing to remain on camp for personal reasons. The article gives signposts and some suggestions to hopefully assist those in this situation, should they be needed.

To view the August edition, please click HERE, the HIVE article is on page ​28.

To find your nearest HIVE for more information or support, please go to or find us on Facebook, X or Instagram.

Aurora New Dawn & Mankind - Domestic Abuse recovery programmes

As part of MOD's partnership with Aurora New Dawn, they are running a sexual violence recovery programme and an Athena domestic abuse programme for female Army and RN personnel and family members. 

Find out more at Aurora Abuse in the Armed Forces | Support Service | Aurora New Dawn (​ Course details, including how to register, are in the documents at these links:

Sexual Violence Recovery Programme

Athena Domestic Abuse Course​

​ManKind have received funding from the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust to run their ACORN Recovery Course for male personnel, family members and veterans. 

Details, including how to register, are on the poster above (please click image to enlarge). 

More information on Mankind is at:​

Northern Ireland: Veteran Support in Antrim & Newtownabbey Council Area


To read the latest edition online please click here

Information provided by HIVE NI

August 13, 2024

Bovington: Pre-School (Wool Village) for aged 2 - 4 years

Please contact the pre-school for more information or to look around. 
Spaces available for 2024 Autumn term 

Information provided by Bovington HIVE 


Dorset: Special Education Needs & Disabilities help and support for ages 0 - 25.


Where to get some help and support

If you’re a bit unsure as to where to go first to find some help and advice relating to your child/young person’s needs then we have put together some information about some of the key places for resources and helpful people to speak to:

Our Local Offer provides information, advice and support for children and young people aged from 0 to 25 years with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their families.
Visit SEND Local Offer HERE

Information provided by Bovington HIVE

For more information and support services

The value of UK military service - exploring perspectives from the Ex-Forces

​It is often stated that the majority of personnel transition well post-Service, but there is limited evidence and understanding of those experiences and how Serving in the military may have added value to and benefitted post-Service life.

The purpose of this study is to build evidence about the impact of military Service that focuses on the 'normative' experience rather than on the challenges and difficulties.

For information about the study itself, including a link to the recruitment survey, visit

Northern Ireland: Employment Opportunities with Ards & North Down Borough Council


Ards and North Down Borough Council is currently recruiting for a number of roles:

Various closing dates. For more information and to apply, please visit

Information provided by HIVE NI

Scotland: Scottish Childminding Association (SCMA) recruiting

The SCMA is recruiting in the following areas;
East Renfrewshire
West Lothian
Dumfries & Galloway
Scottish Borders

To see if SCMA are recruiting in your area, to find if childminding is for you or to register your interest 👉 Home Page - Scottish Childminding Association

Information provided by Leuchars HIVE

August 12, 2024

Richmond: Soccer Tots players wanted!

 Information provided by North HIVE Hub

Grantham: Breastfeeding - Let's talk about it

Information provided by Grantham HIVE


Based overseas with young children? Find out if you can benefit from an expansion to funded childcare


From September 2024 eligible families assigned overseas will have access to funded childcare hours for their children aged from 9 months old.

Defence have expanded the childcare offer for families assigned overseas with 9 months – 4-year-old children, to match the entitlement in England.

Early Years funded childcare overseas

To reflect the offer available in England, all families assigned overseas with children aged 3 to 4 years old, and 2-year-old children in receipt of additional government support, are entitled to 15 hours of funded childcare per week during term time.

From September 2024 additional funded hours are available for eligible working families during term time. Find out if you are eligible for 15 hours a week for children aged 9 months to 3 years, or 30 hours a week for children aged 3 to 4 years.

For more information about the Early Years Childcare available in England, please go to Early Years childcare | Childcare Choices (GOV.UK).

When can parents assigned overseas access the funded childcare hours?

Stonehaven: Become a volunteer instructor with the new Royal Marines Cadets detachment, opening in September

click on image to enlarge

Become a volunteer instructor with the new Stonehaven Royal Marines Cadets Detachment opening in September!

Contact Stonehaven Detachment directly by emailing 

Information provided by Leuchars HIVE

August 10, 2024

Northern Ireland: Road Map to Recovery across Northern Ireland from Inspire


Road MAP to Recovery is a veteran led, peer support programme for veterans as well as their families and carers across Northern Ireland.
They offer veterans the opportunity to regularly come together in a safe, peer-supportive environment to find better ways of coping with issues around relationships, feelings of anger, loneliness, addiction and trauma.
There are a number of groups across Northern Ireland. So, if you or someone you know needs support, please contact Michael on 07422 074363 or visit Contact Us - Inspire Wellbeing

Information provided by HIVE NI

August 9, 2024

Scotland: Forces Children Scotland financial support

Applications are now open for our grant-giving funds to provide financial support for armed forces and veteran families.

We can help students, young carers, and wider groups of young people to realise their potential and thrive, as well as support families in times of financial crisis.

Putting families from armed forces communities first.

Providing a little financial support for families when it really matters.

We support students and young carers to realise their potential thrive as well as help children and young people to dream big and pursue bright futures.

We continue to live in challenging times and that’s why we provide financial assistance to families to cover the costs of many of life’s essentials.

Financial Support - Forces Children Scotland

Information provided by Leuchars HIVE

August 8, 2024

Scotland: Armed Forces Talent Programme - Are you currently thinking about leaving or have already left the armed forces? Maybe you left the forces some time ago?

Are you currently thinking about leaving or have already left the armed forces? Maybe you left the forces some time ago? The Armed Forces Talent Programme is here for you! We'll help you and your spouse or partner and your dependents find career opportunities at NHS Scotland.

The Armed Forces Talent Programme is an NHS Scotland-wide recruitment initiative for the armed forces community. It supports service leavers, veterans, spouses, partners, dependants, reservists, cadets, and cadet forces adult volunteers to enter our workforce.

Information provided by Leuchars HIVE

Grantham: positivefutures in Lincolnshire

Information provided by Grantham HIVE


Togetherall - what support is available to the Service community?

You might be asking “What is @Togetherall?"

Let us shed light on it. Imagine an anonymous, caring community that's accessible 24/7, no matter where you are, with an array of tools & materials to elevate your well-being. Ready to embark on this journey? Togetherall is FREE for all UK military serving and veteran personnel and their families.

August 7, 2024

Trust launches Armed Forces Covenant Fund domestic abuse programme for 2024/25

The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust (The Trust) has launched a specialist and targeted funding programme to support people who have been affected by domestic abuse within the serving Armed Forces community.

The Free from Fear programme will award a small number of targeted grants to projects that can show how they will reduce the impact of, or support initiatives that will have a long-term effect in the prevention of, domestic abuse within serving Armed Forces communities.

Applications will need to give clear evidence of the need for their project and why they are confident that their approach will lead to sustainable long-term changes that will remain after the end of their project delivery.

What will this programme focus on?

The Trust ran a public consultation in 2023, which identified that one of the key areas to focus on was ‘ensuring our Armed Forces communities are not disadvantaged’.

This programme will address both emerging and current challenges within Armed Forces communities, aiming to remove barriers and provide clear pathways for people who have been affected by domestic abuse to access effective support.  The consultation findings are available to read on The Trust website.  

The Free from Fear programme will support projects which achieve one or more of the following outcomes: