Mersea Island
Information provided by Colchester HIVE
Generic and local information for the UK Military community including Serving Personnel, Families, Veterans, and MOD Civilians.
This is best viewed through a personal device because the MODnet firewall may prevent access to some links.
Information provided by Colchester HIVE
For more information visit
Information provided by Colchester HIVE
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Please click the following link for further information: Cost of Living Payments 2023 to 2024 - GOV.UK (
An SMS text message reminder service has been launched for patients registered at Defence Medical Services medical and dental practices.
For more information please go to the My Healthcare Hub app on Defence Gateway.
This follows on from the success of the ‘Scottish Rural Childminding Partnership’ established last year, where we sought to recruit, train and establish 100 new childminders in specific remote and rural areas of Scotland.
With a fantastic package of fully funded support and training available, you will have everything you need to get started on your childminding journey. You don’t need previous childcare experience or qualifications, but you do need to have a passion for working with children!
Maternity Voices Partnerships – this is an NHS national initiative, backed by the ICBs to ensure that the voices of women and families are contributing to improving maternity services locally. Some of the Maternity Voice Partnerships are engaging with local military communities, particularly those with a large serving footprint, addressing the additional challenges of having a baby on the move etc – this may be of interest to military families. There is a FB page and a bit more information on the Wye Valley Trust website. Click Here for more info.
Facebook Page : (7) Herefordshire Maternity Voices Partnership | Hereford | Facebook (please be aware link will not open on some devices).
Information provided by Hereford HIVE.
To find our more click here.
Information provided by Colchester HIVE
The guide offers dedicated information and advice, and contacts for support services and organisations, on topics including health, hosing and money.
The guide can be viewed here
Information provided by Leuchars HIVE
We also report on how DMWS and Fares4Free are collaborating to offer escorted hospital journeys for veterans that need them
To read the latest edition click on image above 👆
Information provided by Leuchars HIVE