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February 29, 2024

Defence Discount Service - Veterans research


New study reveals that nearly four in five veterans feel lack of recognition despite sacrificing key life events

New research conducted by Defence Discount Service has revealed that nearly four in five (75%) veterans feel they are not sufficiently recognised or rewarded by society for their service, despite many sacrificing key family events.

The study, which surveyed 11,500 veterans in the UK, found that while in service, 40% had missed key life events such as Christmas, anniversaries, weddings, funerals and even the birth of their own children.

Over a third (37%) of veterans agreed that now they have left the military, spending time with family is helping to make up for lost time. Half said that they are closer to their grandchildren as they are able to spend more time with them.

Joining the military is a life-defining decision and one not to be made lightly, with those choosing the career often having to accept that it will have an impact on them and their families. Despite missing key life events, 34% of respondents still stated that although they found it difficult, they were proud to serve their country.

Since leaving the service, veterans expressed how they have made up for lost time and what they now enjoy doing with their free time such as going on holiday (74%), gardening (43%) and spending quality time with their pet (28%).

February 28, 2024

Certes IT Services - Support to Military Service Leavers and Veterans


Certes IT Services Solutions offer a free service seeking to create a community with knowledge and understanding that supports each other and champions ex-military personnel.

For more details on the offer to former​-forces please see the website below:

Supporting the Unsung Hero - Free online business start-up courses


Supporting the Unsung Hero business start up are pleased to announce that they are restarting​ their monthly Starting a Business Webinars which is free to the Armed Forces Community

For more information please visit the website or contact us at HIVE with any questions.

Grantham: Keeping our customers safe, Centrebus


For the latest information on your local bus travel:

Information provided by Grantham HIVE

Grantham: Midlands Women's Aid

Information provided by Grantham HIVE


Northern Ireland - Career Transition Partnership (CTP) Contact Details

The Career Transition Partnership (CTP) is the Ministry of Defence official provider of resettlement and have supported leavers of the Armed Forces for many years.

Should you need a contact for Northern Ireland please speak to your local HIVE

Information provided by HIVE NI

Wiltshire Council: Online Family Courses 2024

 Click poster to ENLARGE

Information provided by Lyneham & Colerne HIVEs

Wiltshire Council: Wellbeing online courses - Various dates

Click poster to ENLARGE

Information provided by Lyneham & Colerne HIVEs

Levenmouth: Home-Start Levenmouth currently has a vacancy for a Family Support Worker, closing date noon Mon 4th March

Home-Start Levenmouth currently has a vacancy for a Family Support Worker

16 hours per week, Wednesday-Saturday 10am-2pm.
Salary £22,464 pro rata
Post currently funded until 31st March 2025

Responsible for undertaking work as directed by the Manager to support the strategic management, development of The Home-Start Hub in Letham Glen whilst ensuring high standards of practice in supporting families within the ethos of Home-Start.

Essential requirements include:
• Minimum level of qualification HNC (SVQ level 3/4) in a relevant subject or proven commensurate experience of working to this level.
• Experience of working with vulnerable children and families in community settings
• Experience of working with volunteers.

For an application pack please e mail:

Closing date: Noon Monday 4th March 2024
Interviews will be held on Monday 11th March 2024
This post is subject to a PVG check through Disclosure Scotland.
Home-Start Levenmouth is committed to equal opportunitites
e-mail Charity No SC017976 Funded by Fife Council
Company Limited by Guarantee Registered in Scotland, Company No SC280872 Patron:HRH Princess Alexandra, The Hon, Lady Ogilvy

Information provided by Leuchars HIVE

February 26, 2024

St Andrews: Morrisons in St Andrews now have a quieter hour

click on image to enlarge
Information provided by Leuchars HIVE

Northern Ireland: Action Cancer Breast Screening


If you are aged 50 – 70 and are registered with a GP, you will be called every three years for a mammogram with the NHS Breast Screening Programme. This service is organised via your GP. For more information contact your GP or local breast screening unit.

Action Cancer is the only charity in the UK and Ireland to offer breast screening to women aged 40 – 49 and 70 plus who fall outside the NHS age range.

To book your appointment call Action Cancer on 028 9080 3344.

Information provided by HIVE NI

DWP Update: Marriage Allowance – couples can save up to £252 a year on their tax bill

Some couples can save up to £252 a year on their tax bill by claiming Marriage Allowance.

To benefit from Marriage Allowance, the following circumstances must apply:
  • the couple are married or in a civil partnership.
  • one person does not pay Income Tax because any income they have is below their tax-free Personal Allowance (usually £12,570).
  • their partner pays Income Tax at the basic rate.
Do you know someone who could be eligible?

​They can find out more and apply for Marriage Allowance on GOV.UK and use the free online calculator to find out how much tax they could save.

February 23, 2024

Scotland: NHS 24 Outsmart your anxiety

Daylight® is a clinically proven program used to treat anxiety.

Daylight is a digital programme to improve anxiety based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and is free for NHS patients based in Scotland. 

Available on both iOS and Android devices, you can find out more by visiting:

Information provided by Leuchars HIVE

February 22, 2024

Army HIVE Non-UK National Support: New Email Address for Enquiries

Click to enlarge.

Army HIVE now has an email address specifically for Non-UK National enquiries. This is available to Service personnel, their families, and line managers/CoC requiring support: 

Wiltshire Council: Free Online family courses 2024 - feel confident to help your child

Click poster to ENLARGE

Information provided by Lyneham & Colerne HIVEs

New Accommodation Offer Important Update: Extension of SLA Waiver

 The New Accommodation Offer has been changed in respect of the Dual Accommodation Expense element of the Offer. The waiver of SLA charges relating to PStatCat and age are being retained for now and extended to other cohorts who maintain a main home away from their assigned location. 

 Please see this SWAY for more information.

Information  provided by: Central HIVE Hub

Leuchars: The Army Welfare Service need volunteers

click on image to enlarge

Come and volunteer with the Army Welfare service community support in Leuchars. This is a fantastic opportunity and great if you’re looking to enhance your CV.

We are currently looking for volunteers for our youth groups. Full PVG (Scottish vetting check) will be carried out.

Please contact Jane via email - to apply.

Information provided by Leuchars HIVE

St Andrews: The Botanic Gardens events, activities and workshops

The Botanic Gardens have created exciting programmes of events, activities and workshops for a range of audiences throughout the year. 

A mixture of Free and payable  

Some events have limited spaces so please remember to book your place early to avoid disappointment, most events are free.

Information provided by Leuchars HIVE 

Veteran Support & Social Swindon - Support for all forces and their families

 Click on poster to ENLARGE

Information provided by Lyneham HIVE

Lyneham: Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust - Little Ducklings Nursery Funding Award


Click on posters to ENLARGE


We are so excited to have been awarded £80,000 funding from the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust for our Little Ducklings nursery in Lyneham! This fund will make a huge impact on our work with children and families in military service.
Our aims of the project are to:
* Improve outcomes for all service personnel children by providing a richly resourced, enabling outdoor environment.
* Provide high quality training for staff around a range of subjects to provide appropriate, knowledgeable, exceptional experiences for all service children and military families holistically.
Our vision.
We wanted a simple yet transformational outdoor area to be able to add to and develop depending on what our children show us they need.
We wanted an outdoor area that was accessible for all, in all weathers. We wanted to keep natural landscape as much as possible.
Over the past 6 months we have been working closely within the team to develop an outdoor area to fit all of this. 
With all that in mind, and with the help of the ex-forces led local company, The White Horse Building and Landscaping Company Limited, we hope to bring our vision to fruition.
Thank you so much to for your support @ukarmedforces #CommunityHeroes #ArmedForces #CovenantTrust #Children #LocalCharity #YMCA

Information provided by Lyneham HIVE

February 21, 2024

Grantham: Youth Club Every Monday at the Community Centre

Information provided by Grantham HIVE


Kent County Council: Vacancies for Adult Care Workers


Kent County Council is looking for adult social workers to join the social care team to help support adults in Kent.

Whilst you need to be a qualified adult social worker to join our team, you will be given training and development opportunities for you to continue to learn new skills and qualifications.

Find out more about the benefits of working with our team and what you can do to make a difference every day to residents in Kent.   CLICK HERE

Click now to find out more and to register your interest today.

February 20, 2024

Wales: Free Bookstart packs for children

It’s never too early to start sharing books, stories and rhymes with your child. Through Bookstart, BookTrust Cymru supports families across Wales to read together regularly.

Every child in Wales can receive two special Bookstart packs before the age of three, which are given to families by their Health Visitor. Alternatively, Bookstart packs are available to collect from many libraries in Wales. Find your local library here.

For more information on Bookstart, BookTrust Cymru please click here.

Information provided by Wales HIVE Hub.

Folkestone: AWS Community Support, RBLI Great Tommy Sleep Out


If any members of the RGR2 community would like to participate in this fund-raising activity, please contact CDW Sat Chopra at Shorncliffe and he will arrange and plan the event.

Information provided by Chatham HIVE

February 19, 2024

DWP: Child Maintenance Service reformed to crack down on parents who refuse to pay

The government is reforming the Child Maintenance Service (CMS) to crack down on parents who refuse to pay and ensure children get the support they deserve more quickly. Click here to access information on the new powers for the Child Maintenance Service.

DWP: National Insurance - detailed information

Guidance for National Insurance. Including how to apply for a National Insurance number and check your record. As well as rates, paying, refunds, voluntary contributions, and pensions.

Headspace - support for you and your loved ones

Click image to enlarge

To visit the website click here

Have a question? Email:

Launch of new easier Wraparound Childcare registration and claims process

Wiltshire: Mental Health Inclusion Service

To read click on poster

Information provided by South West HIVE Hub

February 15, 2024

Personnel in long-term relationships entitled to overseas housing in new pilot scheme.

Couples in long-term relationships are now entitled to a military house overseas just like those who are married or in civil partnerships under a pilot scheme that is running in Cyprus and the Falklands.

The trial was launched to give service personnel in established long-term relationships access to Service Family Accommodation (SFA) in the Falkland Islands and Sovereign Base Areas Cyprus – where over a third of personnel assigned overseas are based.

"It's about making sure that we remove any unintended barriers to service overseas and we attract the widest talent," people operations specialist Wing Commander Jackie Wren told Forces News.

To watch this video in full please visit this link.

Grantham: Lincolnshire Health Protection Service

Information provided by Grantham HIVE


Edinburgh: FREE programme for military spouses and partners to provide you with Advice, Choice, Connections, Education and Training, Self Belief and Skills (ACCESS)

There are just a few spaces left on this programme in the Bournemouth and Edinburgh locations.

This programme will create a platform alongside other key partners to provide valuable insights, resources, and strategies enabling you to overcome unique challenges and achieve career success in whatever you choose.

Applications are open now!

Information provided by Leuchars HIVE

Moray: The Dandelion Project are inviting Armed Forces Families with children in primary or secondary education to take part in a survey to share their lived experiences

Moray's Dandelion Project is inviting armed forces families with children in primary and/or secondary education in Moray, to take part in a baseline survey to share their lived experiences about education in Moray.

The project aims to ensure all armed forces children thrive in education.

The Dandelion Project is a three-year initiative.

Funded by the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust to support primary and secondary pupils from regular, reserve and veteran families.

In partnership with RAF Lossiemouth, 39 Engineer Regiment and Moray Council.

Have your say to help the Dandelion Project make a difference 👉

Information provided by Leuchars HIVE

February 14, 2024

Grantham: Fire Safety Intervention from Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue

Information provided by Grantham HIVE


Glencorse: Borrow Bags Relaunch

click on image to enlarge
Information provided by Leuchars HIVE

DIO Families First newsletter - issue 13.

A guide for Service families about applying for, maintaining, moving in and out of and living in UK Service Family Accommodation (SFA) - DIO Families First newsletter - issue 13.

February 13, 2024

Moray: Children's Rights Moray

Information provided by Leuchars HIVE

Colchester: St Edmunds YFC

Click image to enlarge.

For more information please phone / text: 07542832767 or email:

Information provided by Wales HIVE Hub.

Preston & Weeton: Are you posted to the North/West?

Are you moving to the North/West?

If you are about to relocate to Preston or Weeton, please contact the HIVE office to request a pre-arrival information pack.

If you have just arrived in the area, HIVE will help you to find out more about your new location, where to register for doctors/dentists, find a nursery place, schools, employment, local area etc.

The HIVE also has information on all Army, RAF and Navy locations within the UK and overseas should you require information regarding a future posting.

Preston HIVE

Fulwood Barracks    Tel. 01772 260025  (Mon, Tue)

Weeton Barracks     - Tel. 01772 260762  (Wed ,Thu & Frid) 


St Athan: Foodshare Pantry Opens at St Athan Gathering Place

Foodshare Pantry Opens at St Athan Gathering Place

Led by Food Vale with funding from the National Lottery Community Fund a new food share pantry has been set up at St Athan Gathering Place.

The pantry aims to improve access to affordable, good food in the community while reducing food waste.

The pop-up store will be run by Glamorgan Voluntry Services (GVS) fortnightly and will be stocked with surplus foods from supermarkets, and freshly grown produce from local growing projects.

More information can be found here.

Information provided by Wales HIVE Hub.

Haverfordwest: AWS - Beginning Ukulele

 Information provided by Wales HIVE Hub

Hereford: Wildplay at Hereford Libraries

Wildplay at Herefordshire Libraries - Enjoy FREE drop in crafts & get creative with nature.

Suitable for ages, no booking required, just drop in to a session near you.

Information provided by Wales HIVE Hub.

February 12, 2024

NHS England: Talking Therapies Mental Health Support

Click image to enlarge.

For more information on NHS talking therapies for anxiety and depression please click here.

Army Benevolent Fund: Cateran Yomp - the Ultimate Charity Walk


Click image to enlarge.

For more information and to register please click here.