Easter Holiday Family Trip
Tuesday 15th April 2025
Meet: 0725hrs depart 0735hrs bus stop outside West Camp Community Centre
Arrive: 1000hrs Longleat – remain on the coach for the safari drive
Depart: 1800hrs return ETA 2030hrs
Cost: Adult 16 years + £25.95 per person, 3-15 years £15.95, 0–2-year-olds free entry. This includes full access to site attractions
Booking Instructions:
Email: samantha.humphries743@mod.gov.uk
Places are limited. When you email the above you will be sent a link to register and pay. Places will not be confirmed until the full process of payment and registration (one form per person) is completed
Deadline for registration and payment Monday 31/03/2025
If you have not already done so you will need to complete the annual registration for AWS activities using this link:
AWS Annual Registration and Consent Form
You will not be able to travel with us on the day if you have not completed an annual AWS registration form, so please make sure you do this before you arrive. Remember its one form per person
Any questions or for further information please contact Samantha Humphries – Community Development Worker (CDW) Tel: 07966743661
Visit longleat.co.uk for more information
An adult (18 years +) must accompany all children and young people (17 years and under)
There will be a staff team of two with you on the coach, then you will be independent during the day to enjoy the site as you wish.
Tickets are non-refundable and non-transferable
Tickets are subsidised for Unit personnel and their dependents. All other service personnel and dependents not affiliated to the Unit will pay full price but are not charged for transport.
Information provided by Wales HIVE Hub.